The Billerica Chess Club has been & continues to be an important chess venue in Massachusetts, however they don't have a web site of their own just yet, so I'll be posting weekly updates on rated tournaments at the Billerica Chess Club here for reference & research purposes.
For additional tournament details & directions, visit the MACA Event Calendar.
For rating updates, visit Billerica Chess Club Updated Ratings
I hope you are all doing well in this unusual time.
The Council on Aging building is NOT hosting chess activities
and we have no word on when that might change.
Results for the June-July tournament listed below are for online play.
July 3rd, 2020
Join me each Friday between 7:00 and 7:30 in the chat room of the Billerica Club (online) at
Time control is G/75; inc 15. The pairings will be announced and games will start as soon as possible after 7:30.
People who haven't played in the tournament yet are welcome and are eligible for two 1/2 point byes!
If you're just joining please come on the early side so I can get you registered.
Jeff Caruso, Chief TD
ONLINE Billerica July Swiss, July 3rd, 2020
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Michael Howell | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Calvin Mui | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Meyer Billmers | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Total of 3 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
ONLINE Billerica July Swiss, July 3rd, 2020
Points | Players |
2 | Vaughan |
1.5 | Mui |
1 | Caruso, Billmers, Howell, Minalga-Rheault |
0.5 | Anderson |
0 | Godlewski |
June 26th, 2020
ONLINE Billerica June Swiss, June 26th, 2020
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
♔ Rene Minalga-Rheault | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Michael Howell | 1-0 | Diane Anderson |
Total of 3 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
ONLINE Billerica June Swiss, June 26th, 2020
Points | Players |
1 | Vaughan, Howell, Minalga-Rheault |
0.5 | Caruso |
0 | Billmers, Godlewski, Anderson |
Hi all,
Today we received word from the Billerica Council on Aging that chess is cancelled at the CoA for the remainder of the month of March.
Obviously this is very disruptive to the club. I will let you know about future plans when we have more information.
Please stay healthy!
Jeff Caruso, Chief TD
due to an event at the Billerica Council on Aging.
Chess will resume March 13 with a 3-round tournament.
February 28th, 2020
Tim Bromley wins another clean sweep
Billerica February Swiss, February 28th, 2020
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Timothy Bromley |
Matthew C Muir | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Cameron Buchholz |
Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Baginski |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Gregory Avady |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
Michael David | 0-1 | ♔ Arnesh Yeola |
Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Calvin Mui | 0-1 | Michael Howell |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Robert Babcock |
Peter Godlewski | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 28th, 2020
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Bromley |
3.5 | Muir |
3 | Buchholz |
2.5 | Vaughan, Nugent, S Negi, Paulson, Caruso, Avady, Arond, Baginski, Yeola |
2 | Pearson, Kislay, Howell |
1.5 | David, Tan, Babcock, Chalfant |
1 | Evans, Mui, Godlewski, Minalga-Rheault |
0.5 | Kelly, Riaz, Greenwood, Anderson |
0 | A Negi |
♔ 2020 Billerica February Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Tim Bromley |
2nd: | Matthew C Muir |
Top U1600: | Arnesh Yeola |
February 21st, 2020

2020 Billerica February Swiss
Round 3 of 4
PLEASE NOTE: The building is closed Friday March 6 so there will be NO CHESS at the Billerica Club that night.
Billerica February Swiss, February 21st, 2020
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
Cameron Buchholz | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Matthew C Muir |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Kaustubh Kislay |
Paul Arond | 1/2-1/2 | Zhiyang Tan |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Gregory Avady | 1-0 | Ryan Greenwood |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Holden Chalfant |
Michael Howell | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Calvin Mui |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 21st, 2020
Points | Players |
3 | Bromley |
2.5 | Vaughan, Muir, Paulson |
2 | Nugent, Pearson, Frymer, S Negi, Caruso, Buchholz, Baginski |
1.5 | Avady, David, Arond, Tan, Yeola, Chalfant |
1 | Evans, Kislay, Howell, Mui, Minalga-Rheault |
0.5 | Kelly, Riaz, Babcock, Greenwood, Anderson |
0 | Godlewski, A Negi |
February 14th, 2020
Billerica February Swiss, February 14th, 2020
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Michael David | 0-1 | Timothy Bromley |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Paul Arond |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Next week back to our regular February tournament.
Arthur P Nugent | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Matthew C Muir | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Cameron Buchholz | 1-0 | Gregory Avady |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Calvin Mui | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
♔ Rene Minalga-Rheault | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Steve Frymer | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 14th, 2020
Points | Players |
2 | Vaughan, Bromley, S Negi, Paulson, Frymer (house player) |
1.5 | Nugent, Muir, Buchholz, Yeola |
1 | Pearson, Caruso, David, Arond, Evans, Baginski, Kislay, Tan, Minalga-Rheault |
0.5 | Kelly, Avady, Riaz, Babcock, Chalfant, Anderson |
0 | Howell, Mui, Godlewski, A Negi |
February 10th 2020
Wachusett CC leads Billerica CC 4-3 after first round of match
On Sunday, February 9th, seven members from each of the Billerica and Wachusset Chess Clubs traveled to a neutral site at the Billiards Café in Ayer to compete in the Club Match between these two venerable Massachusetts Chess Clubs. This will be a two-round match with the same opponents meeting both weeks with alternate colors.
The Billerica Chess Club entered the tournament with an average player rating of 1868, over 50 points greater than the average Wachusett Chess Club player rating of 1817. Despite their underdog status, the Wachusett Chess Club scored a 4-3 advantage in the first round. This is particularly noteworthy in light of Billerica having the advantage of four White Boards in the first round. Billerica only netted a one-point advantage on the White Boards scoring 2.5 points. Billerica wins on the White Boards were scored by Fred Pearson (over Gary Brassard) and Michael David (over Steve Murray). Paul Baginski, playing for Billerica with White, had a drawn game with Wachusett player, Jim Donahue. Meanwhile, Wachusett scored 2.5 points in their 3 games with the White Boards, netting a 2-point advantage. Wachusett wins on the White Boards were scored by Brett Kildahl (over John Vaughan) and Roger Cappallo (over Joe Kelly). Don Ostrowski, playing for Wachusett with White had a drawn game with BIllerica player, Kaustubh Kislay.
The second, and final, round will be again hosted by the Billiards Café Chess Club in Ayer this upcoming Sunday, February 16th. The Billerica Chess Club will be tasked with closing the 1-point deficit to Wachusett this week with just three White Boards.
All games are being played with a time control of Game/90; with a delay of 10 seconds. Larry Gladding is the Tournament Director.
Michael David
Tournament Organizer
February 7th, 2020

2020 Billerica February Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 7th, 2020
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Kaustubh Kislay |
♔ Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Joseph Kelly | 0-1 | ♔ Arnesh Yeola |
Michael Howell | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Calvin Mui | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Gregory Avady | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Holden Chalfant |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | Michael David |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Diane Anderson | 0-1 | Steven Frymer |
Total of 12 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 7th, 2020
Points | Players |
1 | Vaughan, Bromley, S Negi, Paulson, Caruso, David, Arond, Evans, Tan, Yeola, Frymer (house player) |
0.5 | Avady, Chalfant |
0 | Pearson, Kelly, Baginski, Kislay, Howell, Babcock, Mui, Godlewski, Minalga-Rheault, A Negi, Anderson |
Next week back to our regular February tournament.
January 31st, 2020
Billerica January Blitz, January 31st, 2020
FINAL STANDINGS After 11 Rounds |
Points | Players |
11.0 | Tim Bromley |
10.5 | --- |
10.0 | --- |
9.5 | --- |
9.0 | --- |
8.5 | --- |
8.0 | John Vaughan, Matt Muir, Kaustubh Kislay, Arnesh Yeola |
7.5 | Art Nugent |
7.0 | Holden Chalfant, Mike Howell, Chris Marinos, Fred Pearson |
6.5 | Shailendra Negi, Meyer Billmers |
6.0 | Ryan Greenwood |
5.5 | Milt Evans |
5.0 | Bob Babcock, Paul Baginski |
4.5 | --- |
4.0 | Calvin Mui |
3.5 | --- |
3.0 | --- |
2.5 | --- |
2.0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
1.5 | --- |
1.0 | Avhishaan Negi |
0.5 | --- |
0.0 | Diane Anderson |
♔ 2020 Billerica January Blitz PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Tim Bromley |
2nd: | John Vaughan (Buchholz tiebreaks: 86.0) |
3rd: | Matt Muir (Buchholz tiebreaks: 83.5) |
4th: | Kaustubh Kislay (80.0) |
5th: | Arnesh Yeola (65.5) |
Next week back to our regular February tournament.
January 24th, 2020
Shailendra Negi unstoppable!
Billerica January Swiss, January 24th, 2020
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Matthew Muir | 1/2-1/2 | Timothy G Bromley |
John P Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
♔ Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Steven Frymer |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Ryan Greenwood |
Michael David | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Meyer A Billmers | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Diane Anderson | 0-1 | Rayhan Riaz |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica January Swiss, January 24th, 2020
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | S Negi |
3.5 | Kislay |
2.5 | Pearson, Bromley, Vaughan, Muir, Paulson, Caruso, Baginski, Evans, Babcock |
2 | Kelly, Frymer (house player), M. David |
1.5 | Marinos, Tan, Billmers, Riaz, Yeola, Greenwood, Minalga-Rheault |
1 | Howell, Godlewski |
0.5 | Mui, Lessard, Lagu, Anderson, Fraumeni |
0 | A Negi |
♔ 2020 Billerica January Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Shailendra Negi |
2nd: | Kaustubh Kislay |
Next week, January 31st, 2020, is Blitz Night. Round Robin or long Swiss depending on entries.
January 17th, 2020

2020 Billerica January Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 17th, 2020
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joseph Kelly | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Kaustubh Kislay |
Robert Babcock | 1-0 | Ryan Greenwood |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Michael David |
Michael Howell | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | Matthew Muir |
Meyer A Billmers | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Zhiyang Tan |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Steven Frymer (house player) |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica January Swiss, January 17th, 2020
Points | Players |
3 | S Negi |
2.5 | Paulson, Baginski, Kislay, Babcock |
2 | Bromley, Vaughan, Kelly, Muir, Caruso |
1.5 | Pearson, Evans, Tan, Yeola, Greenwood |
1 | David, Howell, Godlewski |
0.5 | Billmers, Riaz, Mui, Minalga-Rheault, Lessard, Lagu, Anderson, Fraumeni |
0 | A Negi |
January 3rd, 2020

2020 Billerica January Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 3rd, 2020
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
♔ Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | John P Vaughan |
Joseph F Kelly | 1-0 | Michael T Howell |
Calvin Mui | 0-1 | Matthew C Muir |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Diane Anderson | 0-1 | Michael Sco David |
Paul A Baginski | 1-0 | Carolyn Fraumeni |
Avhishaan Si Negi | 0-1 | Steven J Frymer |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica January Swiss, January 3rd, 2020
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Kelly, Muir, Frymer, Paulson, S Negi, Caruso, David, Baginski, Kislay |
0 | Vaughan, Evans, Howell, Mui, Godlewski, Minalga-Rheault, Lessard, A Negi, Anderson, Fraumeni |
This month's tournament is a 4-round Swiss.
The 5th Friday, January 31, 2020 will be a Blitz Night, either a round-robin or Swiss depending on entries, EF $2.
December 27th, 2019
John Vaughan wins Deember Swiss with 3.5/4
Billerica December Swiss, December 27th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra S Negi | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Matthew C Muir | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Robert E Stewart | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Arond |
Rayhan Riaz | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Arnesh Yeola | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Michael Howell | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Total of 8 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 27th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Vaughan |
3 | Pearson, Negi, Caruso |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Riaz |
2 | Muir, Stewart, Paulson, Arond, Yeola |
1.5 | Evans, Howell |
1 | Baginski, Kislay, Tan, Babcock, Godlewski, Greenwood |
0.5 | Mui, Minalga-Rheault, Nakka |
♔ 2019 Billerica December Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | John Vaughan |
Top U1600: | Rayhan Riaz |
December 23rd, 2019
Billerica Chess Club will hold regular Friday meetings as usual
on both December 27th, 2019 & January 3rd, 2020!
♔ ♘ ☕ ☺ ☮ ♡ ☆ HAPPY HOLIDAYS ☆ ♡ ☮ ☺ ⛄ ♝ ♕
December 20th, 2019

2019 Billerica December Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 20th, 2019
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra S Negi | 1-0 | Matthew C Muir |
John P Vaughan | 1-0 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Arthur P Nugent | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Paul Arond | 1/2-1/2 | Timothy G Bromley |
Paul A Baginski | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Rayhan Riaz | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Ryan Greenwood | 1/2-1/2 | Peter Godlewski |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Robert Babcock |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 20th, 2019
Points | Players |
3 | Negi |
2.5 | Vaughan, Nugent |
2 | Pearson, Muir, Caruso, Paulson |
1.5 | Bromley, Stewart, Arond, Evans, Riaz |
1 | Baginski, Kislay, Tan, Babcock, Yeola, Godlewski, Greenwood |
0.5 | Mui, Howell, Minalga-Rheault, Nakka |
December 13th, 2019

2019 Billerica December Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 13th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Raymond Paulson | 0-1 | Matthew C Muir |
Timothy G Bromley | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Frederick Pearson | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Arthur P Nugent |
Robert E Stewart | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Ryan Greenwood |
Calvin Mui | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Paul A Baginski |
Sunita Nakka | 0-1 | Zhiyang Tan |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 13th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Muir, Negi, Caruso |
1.5 | Vaughan, Nugent, Stewart, Evans |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Frymer, Paulson, Arond, Baginski, Kislay, Tan, Yeola |
0.5 | Riaz, Howell, Godlewski, Greenwood, Minalga-Rheault |
0 | Mui, Babcock, Nakka |
December 6th, 2019

2019 Billerica December Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 6th, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul A Baginski | 0-1 | Timothy G Bromley |
Arthur P Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Kaustubh Kislay |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Matthew C Muir | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Sunita Nakka | 0-1 | Steven J Frymer |
Calvin Mui | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | ♔ Arnesh Yeola |
♖ Rene Minalga-Rheault | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
2 upset draws (♖). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 6th, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Muir, Frymer, Negi, Caruso, Paulson, Yeola |
0.5 | Nugent, Evans, Kislay, Minalga-Rheault |
0 | Arond, Baginski, Tan, Riaz, Mui, Howell, Babcock, Nakka |
November 29th, 2019
Billerica November Swiss, November 29th, 2019
Round 5 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Matthew Muir | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Timothy Bromley |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Cameron Buchholz |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Michael David |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Roland Booker |
Avishaan Negi | 0-1 | Peter Godlewski |
Calvin Mui | 1-0 | DJ Godlewski |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica November Swiss, November 29th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 5 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4.5 | Pearson |
4 | Paulson, Baginski |
3 | Bromley, Vaughan, Muir, S Negi, Caruso, Buchholz |
2.5 | Nugent, Evans, Kislay, Tan |
2 | David, Booker, Howell, Yeola, P Godlewski, Minalga-Rheault |
1.5 | Marinos, Mui, Greenwood |
1 | Babcock, Riaz, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Wu, DJ Godlewski |
♔ 2019 Billerica November Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Fred Pearson |
2nd-3rd: | Ray Paulson, Paul Baginski |
Top U1700: | Paul Baginski |
November 27th 2019
Arthur A. King Jr., a USCF member since October 1991 and a former MACA member, died Sunday, Nov. 24, 2019 at Merrimack Valley Hospital in Haverhill. He was born in Haverhill on Jan. 20, 1950, the son of Arthur and Shirley (Ellis) King. He was raised and educated in Haverhill, graduating from Haverhill High School in 1967. He attended UMass-Boston, where he earned a bachelor's degree in psychology. He worked as a tester for Lucent Technologies Inc. in Massachusetts. Arthur's very first rated tournament, when he joined the USCF, was MACA's 2nd annual Mass. Game/60 Open, directed by MACA legend and multi-time president Gilbert F. "Gus" Gosselin on Oct. 20, 1991 in Tewksbury. Arthur became a solid Class A-rated player. His newspaper and funeral home obituary acknowledges the man who taught him chess by stating that Arthur "was fortunate enough to have had lessons with his idol, John Curdo, a master chess player." Besides playing in weekend tournaments in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Arthur became most active by playing in the weeknight chess clubs in Newburyport and Billerica in the state.
Besides his wife, Karen R. Krikorian, Arthur leaves among his survivors a sister, Avis Malcuit, and three nephews, including Randi Malcuit, owner of Stateline Chess Books & Equipment in New Hampshire.
Calling hours will be held Friday, Nov. 29, from 11 a.m. to 1 pm., at the Cataudella Funeral Home, 126 Pleasant Valley St., Methuen, MA. A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. in the funeral home chapel, followed by burial in St. Patrick Cemetery in Haverhill. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Salem Animal Rescue League, 4 Sari Drive, Salem, NH 03079
-Obituary submitted by George Mirijanian
November 22nd, 2019

2019 Billerica November Swiss
Round 4 of 5
Billerica November Swiss, November 22nd, 2019
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Frederick Pearson |
Arthur Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Matthew Muir |
Michael David | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
♔ Cameron Buchholz | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
♔ Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | ♔ Kaustubh Kislay |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Zhiyang Tan |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Michael Howell |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | Arnesh Yeola |
Ryan Greenwood | 1-0 | Avishaan Negi |
Robert Babcock | 1-0 | Jayden Wu |
Total of 12 boards, 3 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica November Swiss, November 22nd, 2019
Points | Players |
3.5 | Pearson |
3 | Bromley, Vaughan, Muir, Paulson, Buchholz, Baginski |
2.5 | Nugent, Kislay, Tan |
2 | S Negi, Caruso, David, Howell, Yeola, Minalga-Rheault |
1.5 | Evans, Marinos, Greenwood |
1 | Booker, Babcock, Riaz, Godlewski, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Mui, Wu |
November 15th, 2019

2019 Billerica November Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica November Swiss, November 15th, 2019
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
John Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Cameron Buchholz |
Matthew Muir | 1-0 | H Milton Evans |
Michael Howell | 0-1 | Arthur Nugent |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Avishaan Negi | 0-1 | Michael David |
♔ Rene Minalga-Rheault | 1-0 | Roland Booker |
Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Arnesh Yeola | 1-0 | Calvin Mui |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Peter Godlewski.
Billerica November Swiss, November 15th, 2019
Points | Players |
3 | Pearson |
2.5 | Bromley, Muir |
2 | Vaughan, Nugent, S Negi, Paulson, Caruso, Buchholz, David, Baginski, Minalga-Rheault |
1.5 | Evans, Marinos, Kislay, Tan |
1 | Booker, Howell, Yeola, Riaz, Godlewski, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Greenwood |
0 | Babcock, Mui |
November 8th, 2019

2019 Billerica November Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Billerica November Swiss, November 8th, 2019
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
H Milton Evans | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Michael David | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Arthur Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Roland Booker | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Michael Howell | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Rayhan Riaz | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Calvin Mui | 0-1 | ♔ Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Avishaan Negi.
Billerica November Swiss, November 8th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Pearson, Paulson, Baginski |
1.5 | Bromley, Vaughan, Muir, Buchholz, Evans, Marinos |
1 | Nugent, S Negi, Caruso, David, Booker, Kislay, Howell, Riaz, Lessard, Minalga-Rheault, A Negi |
0.5 | Tan, Greenwood |
0 | Babcock, Mui, Yeola, Godlewski |
November 1st, 2019

2019 Billerica November Swiss
Round 1 of 5
Billerica November Swiss, November 1st, 2019
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | Timothy Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Kaustubh Kislay |
♖ Zhiyang Tan | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Matthew Muir |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Calvin Mui |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Cameron Buchholz | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | H Milton Evans |
Christopher Marinos | 1-0 | Ryan Greenwood |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Michael David |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Avishaan Negi |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica November Swiss, November 1st, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Vaughan, Pearson, Muir, S Negi, Paulson, Buchholz, Evans, Marinos, David, Baginski, Lessard |
0.5 | Nugent, Tan |
0 | Booker, Kislay, Howell, Babcock, Mui, Yeola, Riaz, Godlewski, Greenwood, Minalga-Rheault, A Negi |
October 25th, 2019
Matthew Muir wins October Swiss with perfect 4-0
Billerica October Swiss, October 25th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Matthew C Muir | 1-0 | Michael David |
Cameron Buchholz | 1-0 | Gregory Avady |
John P Vaughan | 1-0 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Paul A Baginski | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
♖ Zhiyang Tan | 1/2-1/2 | Timothy G Bromley |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Arthur P Nugent |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
♖ Calvin Mui | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Kaustubh Kislay |
♔ Ryan Greenwood | 1-0 | Michael T Howell |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Peter Godlewski |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
2 upset draws (♖). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 25th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Muir |
3.5 | Buchholz |
3 | Vaughan, David |
2.5 | Negi, Avady |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, Caruso, Evans, Tan, Mui, Kislay, Greenwood |
1.5 | Marinos, Kolenski, Baginski, Riaz, Godlewski |
1 | Sun, Babcock, Howell, Yeola |
0.5 | Lessard |
0 | Minalga-Rheault |
♔ 2019 Billerica October Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Matthew Muir |
2nd: | Cameron Buchholz |
Top U1700: | Michael David |
October 18th, 2019
Upsets galore tonight!
Billerica October Swiss, October 18th, 2019
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeffrey Caruso | 0-1 | Matthew C Muir |
Timothy G Bromley | 0-1 | ♔ Michael David |
Shailendra Negi | 0-1 | Gregory Avady |
Raymond Paulson | 0-1 | ♔ Cameron Buchholz |
Michael T Howell | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Rayhan Riaz |
Zhiyang Tan | 1/2-1/2 | Paul A Baginski |
Arthur P Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Kaustubh Kislay |
♖ Ryan Greenwood | 1/2-1/2 | Robert Babcock |
Arnesh Yeola | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Steve Frymer |
Total of 11 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
3 upset draws (♖). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 18th, 2019
Points | Players |
3 | Muir, David |
2.5 | Avady, Buchholz |
2 | Vaughan, Caruso |
1.5 | Bromley, Negi, Marinos, Evans, Baginski, Tan, Mui, Riaz |
1 | Nugent, Paulson, Sun, Babcock, Howell, Kislay, Yeola, Greenwood |
0.5 | Godlewski, Lessard |
0 | Minalga-Rheault |
October 11th, 2019

2019 Billerica October Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 11th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Gregory Avady | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Matthew Muir | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
♔ Michael David | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
♔ Cameron Buchholz | 1-0 | Arthur P Nugent |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Ryan Greenwood |
♖ Rayhan Riaz | 1/2-1/2 | Ryan Sun |
Pau Baginski | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Michael Howell |
Calvin Mui | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Total of 11 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 11th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Muir, Caruso, David |
1.5 | Bromley, Negi, Avady, Marinos, Buchholz |
1 | Vaughan, Paulson, Sun, Evans, Baginski, Tan, Howell, Mui, Riaz |
0.5 | Nugent, Babcock, Kislay, Greenwood, Lessard |
0 | Yeola, Godlewski, Minalga-Rheault |
October 4th, 2019

2019 Billerica October Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 4th, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Paul A Baginski |
♔ Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | John P Vaughan |
Arthur P Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Robert Babcock |
Michael T Howell | 0-1 | Matthew C Muir |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Calvin Mui |
Kaustubh Kislay | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Gregory Avady | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Michael David |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 4th, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Muir, Paulson, Caruso, Avady, Marinos, Evans, David, Tan |
0.5 | Nugent, Babcock |
0 | Vaughan, Baginski, Howell, Mui, Kislay, Yeola, Godlewski, Lessard, Minalga-Rheault |
September 28th, 2019
Vaughan & Negi share top honors in September Swiss
Billerica September Swiss, September 28th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Ray Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | Fred Pearson |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Matt Muir |
Art Nugent | 0-1 | ♔ Cam Buchholz |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Gregory Avady |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Michael David |
Zhiyang Tan | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
Pete Godlewski | 0-1 | Kaustubh Kislay |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving full-point byes were Maurice Lessard.
Billerica September Swiss, September 28th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Vaughan, Negi |
3 | Pearson, Paulson, Buchholz |
2.5 | Muir, Caruso, Avady, Evans |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, David, Kislay |
1.5 | Marinos, Norman, Baginski, Tan, Howell, Yeola |
1 | Lessard, Minalga-Rheault |
0.5 | Billmers, Babcock, Wu, Riaz, Godlewski |
♔ 2019 Billerica September Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | John Vaughan, Shailendra Negi |
Top U1600: | Cameron Buchholz |
September 20th, 2019

2019 Billerica September Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 20th, 2019
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Matthew Muir | 1/2-1/2 | Timothy Bromley |
Gregory Avady | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | George Norman |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Michael David | 0-1 | Arthur Nugent |
Cameron Buchholz | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
♖ Michael Howell | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
♔ Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
♔ Rene Minalga-Rheault | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 11 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica September Swiss, September 20th, 2019
Points | Players |
2.5 | Vaughan, Pearson, Muir, Paulson, Caruso, Negi |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, Buchholz |
1.5 | Avady, Evans, Norman, Baginski, Howell, Yeola |
1 | Marinos, David, Tan, Kislay, Minalga-Rheault |
0.5 | Billmers, Babcock, Wu, Riaz, Godlewski |
0 | Lessard |
September 13th, 2019

2019 Billerica September Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 13th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Frederick Pearson |
Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Baginski |
Matthew Muir | 1-0 | Cameron Buchholz |
George Norman | 1/2-1/2 | Gregory Avady |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | ♔ Arnesh Yeola |
Arthur Nugent | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Michael David | 1-0 | Kaustubh Kislay |
Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-Rheault |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Michael Howell |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica September Swiss, September 13th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Muir |
1.5 | Bromley, Vaughan, Pearson, Paulson, Caruso, Negi, Avady, Evans, Norman, Baginski, Yeola |
1 | Nugent, Buchholz, David, Tan, Howell |
0.5 | Marinos, Billmers, Babcock, Wu, Riaz |
0 | Godlewski, Kislay, Lessard, Minalga-Rheault |
September 6th, 2019

2019 Billerica September Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 6th, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Michael David |
♔ Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Arthur Nugent |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Michael Howell | 0-1 | Matthew Muir |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Gregory Avady | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Kaustubh Kislay | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Cameron Buchholz | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Rene Minalga-rheault | 0-1 | George Norman |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Caruso.
Billerica September Swiss, September 6th, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Muir, Paulson, Negi, Avady, Evans, Buchholz, Norman, Baginski |
0.5 | Caruso |
0 | Nugent, David, Tan, Howell, Wu, Riaz, Godlewski, Kislay, Lessard, Minalga-rheault |
August 30th, 2019
Rapaka takes first with big upset
Billerica August Swiss, August 30th, 2019
Round 5 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
♔ Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Frederick Pearson |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Timothy Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Ryan Sun |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Michael David | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Stephen W Savage |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | Kaustubh Kislay |
Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Rayhan Riaz |
Total of 11 boards, One major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♖ Not playing round 5 was Jeff Caruso.
Billerica August Swiss, August 30th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 5 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4.5 | Rapaka |
4 | Pearson |
3.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Vaughan, Sun |
3 | Paulson, S Negi, Marinos, Evans |
2.5 | Kelly, Caruso, Baginski, Savage, Yeola, Kislay |
2 | David, Booker, Tan, Howell |
1.5 | Babcock, Wu, Godlewski, Riaz, Chalfant, Anoushka Nagle |
1 | Anika Nagle, Pokharna, Lessard, Minalga-rheault |
0.5 | Norman, Curtis |
0 | A Negi |
♔ 2019 Billerica August Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Srikanth Rapaka |
2nd: | Fred Pearson |
Top U1800: | Ryan Sun |
August 23rd, 2019

2019 Billerica August Swiss
Round 4 of 5
Billerica August Swiss, August 23rd, 2019
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra Negi | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Raymond Paulson | 0-1 | ♔ Srikanth Rapaka |
Arthur Nugent | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Kaustubh Kislay | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Stephen Savage | 0-1 | ♔ Arnesh Yeola |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Michael David | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-rheault |
Roland Booker | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Holden Chalfant |
Total of 11 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica August Swiss, August 23rd, 2019
Points | Players |
4 | Pearson |
3.5 | Rapaka |
3 | Nugent, Vaughan, S Negi |
2.5 | Bromley, Kelly, Caruso, Sun, Baginski, Yeola |
2 | Paulson, Marinos, Evans, David, Booker, Howell |
1.5 | Savage, Babcock, Wu, Godlewski, Chalfant, Kislay, Anoushka Nagle |
1 | Tan, Anika Nagle, Pokharna, Lessard, Minalga-rheault |
0.5 | Norman, Curtis |
0 | A Negi |
August 16th, 2019

2019 Billerica August Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica August Swiss, August 16th, 2019
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | John P Vaughan |
Joseph F Kelly | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Jeffrey L Caruso |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Roland Booker Iii |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Michael David |
♔ Michael Howell | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Anoushka Nagle | 0-1 | Robert Babcock |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Peter Godlewski |
Shreyas Pokharna | 1/2-1/2 | Anika Nagle |
R Minalga-rheault | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica August Swiss, August 16th, 2019
Points | Players |
3 | Pearson, S Negi |
2.5 | Rapaka, Sun |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, Vaughan, Kelly, Evans, Howell |
1.5 | Caruso, Baginski, Savage, Babcock, Wu, Yeola, Godlewski, Kislay |
1 | Marinos, David, Iii, Tan, Anoushka Nagle, Pokharna, Lessard, Minalga-rheault |
0.5 | Norman, Curtis, Chalfant, Anika Nagle |
0 | A Negi |
August 9th, 2019

2019 Billerica August Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Billerica August Swiss, August 9th, 2019
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
♔ Shailendra S Negi | 1-0 | Timothy Bromley |
Arthur Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Srikanth Rapaka |
♔ Ryan Sun | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Michael David |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | Joseph Kelly |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Anoushka Nagle |
Chris Marinos | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Kaustubh Kislay |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Shreyas Pokharna |
Zhiyang Tan | 1/2-1/2 | Holden Chalfant |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Stephen W Savage |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Jacob Wu |
Michael Howell | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Arnesh Yeola | 1-0 | Rene Minalga-rheault |
Total of 13 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica August Swiss, August 9th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Vaughan, Kelly, Pearson, S Negi, Sun |
1.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Rapaka, Evans, Baginski |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Marinos, David, Booker, Savage, Wu, Howell, Yeola, Kislay, Anoushka Nagle |
0.5 | Norman, Tan, Babcock, Curtis, Godlewski, Chalfant, Pokharna |
0 | Anika Nagle, Lessard, Minalga-rheault, A Negi |
August 2nd, 2019

2019 Billerica August Swiss
Round 1 of 5
Billerica sets attendance record at 30 players!
Billerica August Swiss, August 2nd, 2019
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Stephen W Savage | 0-1 | Arthur P Nugent |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Joseph F Kelly | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Benjamin Curtis | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Jeffrey L Caruso | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
♖ Kaustubh Kislay | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
George Norman | 0-1 | ♔ Anoushka Nagle |
Anika Nagle | 0-1 | Ryan Sun |
Michael David | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Rene Minalga-Rheault | 0-1 | Roland Booker |
Paul A Baginski | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 15 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica August Swiss, August 2nd, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, Vaughan, Kelly, Pearson, Caruso, S Negi, Rapaka, Sun, David, Booker, Baginski, Anoushka Nagle |
0.5 | Evans, Kislay |
0 | Norman, Tan, Savage, Babcock, Wu, Howell, Curtis, Yeola, Godlewski, Chalfant, Anika Nagle, Lessard, Minalga-rheault, A
Negi |
July 26th, 2019
Bromley & Vaughan tie for top honors in July
Billerica July Swiss, July 26th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Matthew Muir |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Frederick Pearson |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Michael David |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Paul A Baginski |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Zhiyang Tan |
Gregory Avady | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Arthur Nugent | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Michael Howell | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Ryan Greenwood | 1-0 | Shreyas Pokharna |
Rod Marchessault | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 26th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley, Vaughan |
2.5 | Paulson, Caruso, Pearson, Muir, S Negi, Marinos, Tan, Avady |
2 | Nugent, David |
1.5 | Evans, Baginski, Howell, Greenwood, Marchessault |
1 | Babcock, Riaz, Lessard |
0.5 | Norman, Savage, Godlewski, Yeola, Kislay, Pokharna, A Negi |
♔ 2019 Billerica July Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Tim Bromley & John Vaughan |
Top U1600: | Zhiyang Tan |
July 19th, 2019

2019 Billerica July Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 19th, 2019
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra Negi | 0-1 | Timothy Bromley |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Gregory Avady | 0-1 | Matthew Muir |
♖ Michael David | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
♖ Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
Robert Babcock | 1/2-1/2 | Rayhan Riaz |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
2 upset draws (♖). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 19th, 2019
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Vaughan, Paulson, Muir |
2 | Caruso, Pearson, David |
1.5 | S Negi, Marinos, Evans, Baginski, Tan, Avady |
1 | Nugent, Babcock, Riaz, Lessard |
0.5 | Norman, Savage, Godlewski, Yeola, Kislay, A Negi |
July 13th, 2019

2019 Billerica July Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 13th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Raymond Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Frederick Pearson | 0-1 | Timothy Bromley |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Matthew C Muir | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Kaustubh Kislay | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Michael David |
Arthur Nugent | 0-1 | ♔ Zhiyang Tan |
Stephen Savage | 0-1 | Gregory Avady |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 13th, 2019
Points | Players |
1.5 | Bromley, Vaughan, Paulson, Caruso, Muir, S Negi, Marinos, Evans, David, Tan, Avady |
1 | Pearson, Baginski |
0.5 | Nugent, Norman, Savage, Babcock, Riaz, Godlewski, Yeola, Kislay, A Negi |
0 | Lessard |
July 5th, 2019

2019 Billerica July Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 5th, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Matthew C Muir |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
John P Vaughan | 1-0 | George Norman |
Paul A Baginski | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Robert Babcock |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 5th, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Vaughan, Paulson, Pearson |
0.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Muir, Evans, Babcock |
0 | Norman, Baginski, Lessard |
June 28th, 2019
Joe Kelly wins June Swiss
Billerica June Swiss, June 28th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 0-1 | Joseph F Kelly |
Arthur A King | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | John P Vaughan |
♔ Ryan Sun | 1-0 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Arnesh Yeola | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Arthur P Nugent | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Paul A Baginski | 1-0 | Arianna Paul |
Sanshrey Satya Boina | 0-1 | Pete Godlewski |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica June Swiss, June 28th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Kelly |
3 | Bromley, Paulson, S Negi |
2.5 | Pearson, Sun |
2 | Vaughan, King, Evans, Tan, Yeola, Riaz |
1.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Arond, Marinos, Baginski, Howell, Kislay, Lessard |
1 | Godlewski, A Negi |
0.5 | Babcock, Satya Boina, Paul |
♔ 2019 Billerica June Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Joe Kelly |
2nd-4th: | Tim Bromley, Ray Paulson, Shailendra Negi |
Top U1700: | Ryan Sun |
June 14th, 2019

2019 Billerica June Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica June Swiss, June 14th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | Timothy G Bromley |
Joseph F Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
♔ Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
Arthur A King | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
John P Vaughan | 1-0 | Arthur P Nugent |
Paul A Baginski | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Pete Godlewski |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Ryan Sun |
♔ Rayhan Riaz | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Total of 9 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica June Swiss, June 14th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, King, Tan |
1.5 | Pearson, Vaughan, Kelly, Caruso, Marinos |
1 | Paulson, S Negi, Arond, Evans, Sun, Riaz, A Negi |
0.5 | Nugent, Baginski, Lessard, Paul |
0 | Babcock, Godlewski, Yeola |
June 7th, 2019

2019 Billerica June Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica June Swiss, June 7th, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Ryan Sun | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Arthur P Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Paul A Baginski |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Joseph F Kelly |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Pete Godlewski |
♔ Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Arthur A King |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Arianna Paul | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Avhishaan Negi.
Billerica June Swiss, June 7th, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Kelly, Caruso, S Negi, King, Arond, Marinos, Tan, A Negi |
0.5 | Nugent, Baginski |
0 | Paulson, Evans, Sun, Babcock, Godlewski, Yeola, Riaz, Lessard, Paul |
May 31st, 2019
Tim Bromley tops Billerica Blitz
Billerica May Blitz, May 31st, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 10 Rounds |
Points | Players |
9.5 | Tim Bromley |
9.0 | ---- |
8.5 | ---- |
8.0 | ---- |
7.5 | Art Nugent |
7.0 | Srikanth Rapaka |
6.5 | ---- |
6.0 | John Vaughan, Ray Paulson, Chris Marinos |
5.5 | Shailendra Negi |
5.0 | Holden Chalfant |
4.5 | Milt Evan, Paul Baginski, Rayhan Riaz |
4.0 | Michael David |
3.5 | Paul Arond, Arnesh Yeola |
3.0 | ---- |
2.5 | ---- |
2.0 | ---- |
1.5 | ---- |
1.0 | Ryana Riaz, Avhishaan Negi |
♔ 2019 Billerica May Blitz PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Tim Bromley |
2nd: | Art Nugent |
3rd: | Srikanth Rapaka |
Top U1650: | Holden Chalfant |
May 24th, 2019
Tim Bromley & Joe Kelly top Billerica May Swiss
Billerica May Swiss, May 24th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Timothy G Bromley |
Jeffrey Caruso | 0-1 | Joseph F Kelly |
Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Frederick Pearson |
Paul Arond | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | George Norman |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Michael David | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Robert Babcock | 1-0 | Sanshrey Satya Boina |
Peter Godlewski | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Arnesh Sach Yeola | 1/2-1/2 | Srinivasa Satya Boina |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving full-point byes were Maurice Lessard.
Billerica May Swiss, May 24th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley, Kelly |
2.5 | Pearson, Vaughan, Caruso, Paulson, S Negi, Marinos, Arond, Evans, Baginski |
2 | Nugent, David, Billmers, Babcock, Godlewski |
1.5 | Rapaka, Norman, Savage, Tan, Chheak, Riaz |
1 | Yeola, Chalfant, Pitla, Lessard, Sanshrey Satya Boina, A Negi |
0.5 | Howell, Srinivasa Satya Boina, Jesus Abreu, Jesus Abreu |
♔ 2019 Billerica May Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Tim Bromley, Joe Kelly |
Top U1650: | Paul Baginski |
Don't forget, next Friday, May 31 will be a Blitz Night at the Billerica Chess Club.
May 17th, 2019

2019 Billerica May Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 17th, 2019
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey L Caruso |
Frederick Pearson | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Joseph F Kelly | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
George Norman | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Srikanth Rapaka | 0-1 | ♔ Paul A Baginski |
♖ Zhiyang Tan | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Sanjeev Pitya | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Sanshrey Satya Boina | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Meyer A Billmers |
Robert Babcock | 1/2-1/2 | Holden Chalfant |
Stephen W Savage | 1-0 | Arnesh Sach Yeola |
♔ Rayhan Riaz | 1-0 | Michael T Howell |
Srinivasa Satya Boina | 0-1 | Michael David |
Peter Godlewski | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 14 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica May Swiss, May 17th, 2019
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Vaughan, Kelly, Caruso, Paulson, Baginski |
2 | Pearson, S Negi, Arond, Billmers |
1.5 | Nugent, Rapaka, Marinos, Evans, Norman, Savage, Tan, Chheak, Riaz |
1 | David, Babcock, Godlewski, Chalfant, Pitya, Sanshrey Satya Boina, A Negi |
0.5 | Howell, Yeola, Abreu |
0 | Srinivasa Satya Boina, Lessard |
May 10th, 2019

2019 Billerica May Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 10th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra S Negi | 0-1 | Timothy G Bromley |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
John P Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Raymond Paulson |
♖ Paul A Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Joseph F Kelly |
Jeffrey L Caruso | 1-0 | Christoph Marinos |
Michael T Howell | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Arthur P Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Milt Evans |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | George Norman |
Michael David | 0-1 | ♔ Sophoern Chheak |
Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Srinivasa Satya Boina |
Sanjeev Pitya | 1-0 | Peter Godlewski |
Sanshrey Satya Boina | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
2 upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Avhishaan Negi.
Billerica May Swiss, May 10th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Pearson, Caruso |
1.5 | Kelly, Vaughan, Paulson, Rapaka, Evans, Norman, Baginski, Chheak |
1 | Nugent, S Negi, Marinos, Arond, Billmers, Tan, Sanshrey Satya Boina, A Negi, Pitya |
0.5 | Babcock, Howell, Chalfant, Riaz, Abreu |
0 | David, Srinivasa Satya Boina, Lessard, Godlewski |
May 3rd, 2019

2019 Billerica May Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 3rd, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Michael David |
Meyer Billmers | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Peter Godlewski | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Satya | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Jesus Abreu | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Sanjeev Pitla |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Sanshrey |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica May Swiss, May 3rd, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Vaughan, Kelly, Caruso, Paulson, S Negi, Marinos, Arond, Evans, Baginski |
0.5 | Nugent, Billmers |
0 | David, Babcock, Godlewski, Tan, Satya (Srinivasa Satya Boina), Riaz, Abreu, Pitla, Lessard, Sanshrey Satya Boina, A Negi |
We've truncated the May tournament to a 4-round Swiss. May 31 will be a Blitz Night.
April 26th, 2019
Pearson & Paulson tie at top of April Swiss
Billerica April Swiss, April 26th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Joe Kelly |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Walter Fabian |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
George Norman | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur A King |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
♔ Rayhan Riaz | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Sanjay Vijayabala |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Anoushka Nagle |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | ♔ Srinivasa Satya Boina |
Anika Nagle | 1-0 | Sanshrey Satya Boina |
Total of 13 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica April Swiss, April 26th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Pearson, Paulson |
3 | Vaughan, Evans |
2.5 | Bromley, Kelly, Nugent, King, Arond, Norman, Baginski, Riaz |
2 | Caruso, S Negi, Rapaka, Fabian, Howell, Anoushka Nagle |
1.5 | Marinos, Tan, Srinivasa Satya Boina |
1 | Babcock, Anika Nagle, Lessard, Vijayabala, A Negi |
0.5 | Stewart, Yerra, Chalfant, Chavadam |
0 | Sanshrey Satya Boina |
♔ 2019 Billerica April Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Fred Pearson, Ray Paulson |
Top U1600: | Rayhan Riaz |
April 19th, 2019

2019 Billerica April Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 19th, 2019
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | George Norman |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Paul Arond |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
Arthur A King | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Walter Fabian | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Anoushka Nagle | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Srinivasa Satya Boina |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Zhiyang Tan |
Rayhan Riaz | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Sanjay Vijayabala | 1-0 | Sanshrey Satya Boina |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Avhishaan Negi.
Billerica April Swiss, April 19th, 2019
Points | Players |
3 | Pearson, Paulson |
2.5 | Kelly |
2 | Vaughan, Nugent, Caruso, King, Evans, Norman, Fabian, Baginski |
1.5 | Bromley, S Negi, Rapaka, Marinos, Arond, Tan, Riaz |
1 | Babcock, Howell, Anoushka Nagle, Lessard, Vijayabala, A Negi |
0.5 | Stewart, Yerra, Chalfant, Chavadam, Srinivasa Satya Boina |
0 | Anika Nagle, Sanshrey Satya Boina |
April 12th, 2019

2019 Billerica April Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 12th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Arthur A King |
Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Arond |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | ♔ George Norman |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Rayhan Riaz |
Anika Nagle | 0-1 | Walter Fabian |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Srivanth Chavadam |
Sanjay Vijayabala | 0-1 | Robert Babcock |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Sanshrey Satya Boina | 0-1 | Anoushka Nagle |
Srinivasa Satya Boina | 1/2-1/2 | Zhiyang Tan |
Total of 13 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica April Swiss, April 12th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Vaughan, Pearson, Paulson, Norman |
1.5 | Kelly, Nugent, S Negi, Rapaka, Arond |
1 | Caruso, King, Marinos, Evans, Fabian, Baginski, Babcock, Howell, Anoushka Nagle, Lessard |
0.5 | Bromley, Stewart, Yerra, Tan, Chalfant, Riaz, Srinivasa Satya Boina |
0 | Anika Nagle, Vijayabala, A Negi, Chavadam, Sanshrey Satya Boina |
April 6th, 2019

2019 Billerica April Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 6th, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Walter Fabian | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Anoushka Nagle | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Art King | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Sanjay Vijayabala |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
George Norman | 1-0 | Srivanth Chavadam |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica April Swiss, April 6th, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Vaughan, Kelly, Nugent, Pearson, Caruso, Paulson, S Negi, King, Marinos, Arond, Evans, Norman |
0 | Fabian, Baginski, Babcock, Howell, Tan, Chalfant, Anoushka Nagle, Anika Nagle, Lessard, Vijayabala, A Negi, Chavadam |
March 30th, 2019
Robb Stewart tops March Swiss 5-0!
Billerica March Swiss, March 30th, 2019
Round 5 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra Negi | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Paul Arond |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Michael David |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Walter Fabian | 1-0 | Sanshrey Satya Boina |
Sanjay Vijayabala | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Sophoern Chheak |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Srinivasa Satya Boina |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Holden Chalfant |
Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica March Swiss, March 30th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 5 Rounds |
Points | Players |
5 | Stewart |
4 | Pearson |
3.5 | Nugent, Rapaka |
3 | Bromley, Vaughan, S Negi, Marinos, Fabian, Yeola |
2.5 | Paulson, Caruso, Arond, Baginski, Yerra, Howell |
2 | Evans, David, Babcock, Chalfant, Sanshrey Satya Boina |
1.5 | Kelly, Tan, Chheak, Vijayabala, Srinivasa Satya Boina |
1 | Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Appelmans, Chavadam, Tibbetts |
♔ 2019 Billerica March Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Robb Stewart |
2nd: | Fred Pearson |
Top U1600: | Arnesh Yeola |
March 22nd, 2019
Billerica March Swiss, March 22nd, 2019
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Walter Fabian |
♔ Arnesh Yeola | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Paul Arond | 1/2-1/2 | Sai Sneha Yerra |
Sophoern Chheak | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Srinivasa Satya Boina |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
Michael David | 1-0 | Sanjay Vijayabala |
♔ Sanshrey Satya Boina | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Jack Appelmans | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Holden Chalfant | 1/2-1/2 | Zhiyang Tan |
Avhishaan Negi | 1-0 | Srivanth Chavadam |
Total of 14 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica March Swiss, March 22nd, 2019
Points | Players |
4 | Stewart |
3 | S Negi, Pearson, Vaughan, Yeola |
2.5 | Arond, Caruso, Nugent, Rapaka, Yerra |
2 | Babcock, Bromley, David, Evans, Fabian, Marinos, Sanshrey Satya Boina |
1.5 | Baginski, Chheak, Howell, Kelly, Paulson, Srinivasa Satya Boina, Vijayabala |
1 | Chalfant, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Appelmans, Chavadam, Tan, Tibbetts |
March 15th, 2019

2019 Billerica March Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica March Swiss, March 15th, 2019
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra S Negi | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Robert Babcock |
Walter Fabian | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Michael David | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Sai Sneha Yerra | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Arnesh Yeola |
♖ Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | ♔ Sophoern Chheak |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
♔ Srinivasa Satya Boina | 1-0 | Jack Appelmans |
♔ Sanjay Vijayabala | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | ♔ Sanshrey Satya Boina |
Total of 13 boards, 4 major upsets (♔ ♕),
2 upset draws (♖). |
Billerica March Swiss, March 15th, 2019
Points | Players |
3 | Pearson, Stewart |
2 | Arond, Babcock, Evans, Fabian, S Negi, Vaughan, Yeola, Yerra |
1.5 | Baginski, Bromley, Caruso, Chheak, Kelly, Marinos, Nugent, Rapaka, Srinivasa Satya Boina, Vijayabala |
1 | David, Howell, Lessard, Sanshrey Satya Boina |
0.5 | Appelmans, Chalfant, Paulson, Tibbetts |
0 | A Negi, Tan |
March 8th, 2019

2019 Billerica March Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Billerica March Swiss, March 8th, 2019
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Michael David |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Arond |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Sai Sneha Yerra |
♔ Arnesh Yeola | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Kevin Tibbetts |
Robert Babcock | 1-0 | Srinivasa Satya Boina |
♖ Holden Chalfant | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Walter Fabian |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Sanshrey Satya Boina | 0-1 | Mike Howell |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica March Swiss, March 8th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | S Negi, Pearson, Stewart |
1.5 | Babcock, Bromley, Caruso, Evans, Rapaka, Yeola, Yerra |
1 | Arond, Baginski, David, Fabian, Howell, Kelly, Lessard, Nugent, Vaughan |
0.5 | Chalfant, Marinos, Paulson, Srinivasa Satya Boina, Tibbetts, Vijayabala |
0 | A Negi, Sanshrey Satya Boina, Tan |
March 1st, 2019

2019 Billerica March Swiss
Round 1 of 5
Billerica March Swiss, March 1st, 2019
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Walter Fabian | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Sai Sneha Yerra | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | ♔ Michael David |
Mike Howell | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Shailendra S Negi | 1-0 | Sanjay Vijay |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Sanshrey Satya Boina |
Srinivasa Satya Boina | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving full-point byes were Maurice Lessard.
Billerica March Swiss, March 1st, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Caruso, David, Kelly, Lessard, S Negi, Pearson, Rapaka, Stewart, Vaughan |
0.5 | Evans, Nugent, Srinivasa Satya Boina, Yerra |
0 | Baginski, Chalfant, Fabian, Howell, A Negi, Paulson, Sanshrey Satya Boina, Tan, Vijay |
February 22nd, 2019
Joe Kelly returns to take clear first place
Billerica February Swiss, February 22nd, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joseph F Kelly | 1-0 | Arthur P Nugent |
Timothy G Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Frederick Pearson |
Chris Marinos | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Shailendra Negi | 0-1 | Robert Holmgren |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Paul A Baginski | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
♔ Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Michael T Howell |
♔ Sai Sanshrey Satya Boina | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Robert Babcock | 1-0 | Srinivasa Rao Satya Boina |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 22nd, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Kelly |
3 | Vaughan, Bromley, Caruso, Pearson, Marinos, Holmgren |
2.5 | Paulson, Nugent |
2 | S Negi, Evans, Baginski, Tan |
1.5 | Chalfant, Lessard, Sai Sanshrey Satya Boina, Tibbetts |
1 | Zhao, Norman, Babcock, Howell, A Negi |
0.5 | G Simolaris, Mellor, A Simolaris, Srinivasa Rao Satya Boina |
♔ 2019 Billerica February Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Joe Kelly |
Top U1800: | Chris Marinos, Robert Holmgren |
Top U1400: | Zhiyang Tan |
February 20th 2019
Jeff Caruso and Robb Stewart to run in MACA elections
MACA elections are right around the corner!
Billerica CC members,
Jeff Caruso and Robb Stewart, are running for positions on the MACA board. Jeff has represented MACA as a director for a number of years and this year he is running for Vice President. Robb Stewart is running for one of the open director positions and has asked for our support. I've known Robb for a long time through the chess circles and has been an instructor for the club in the past.
For those that don't know him, Robb has been an active chess player for over 30 years, and is very involved with scholastic chess. He volunteers to manage a chess program at his daughter's school, directs scholastic tournaments, and tutors students privately.
Both Jeff and Robb are great candidates for the positions and will help Mass Chess move forward. They would like you and/or your child's vote - yes, your child can vote! Mass Chess bylaws state that junior members are eligible to vote The process to vote is underway currently and is a two-step process that is easy to complete.
The first step is that you have to register with the election committee to vote.
You simply need to send an email to the following address:
You do need to be a current member of MACA. You can paste this text in your note:
Please send me an online ballot for the upcoming election to [your-email].
This must be completed before February 28th.
The second step is to vote!
An on-line ballot will be emailed to the address you provided at the beginning of May which will allow you to vote.
Online voting needs to be completed by May 22nd.
MACA has posted FAQs on its website about the election process; the link can be found here:
Please vote! And please support Robb Stewart and Jeff Caruso, they are both great choices for the future of Mass Chess.
-Paul G.
February 15th, 2019

2019 Billerica February Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica February Swiss, February 15th, 2019
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Timothy G Bromley |
Frederick Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Arthur P Nugent | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
George Norman | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Derek Zhao | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Michael T Howell | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Robert Holmgren | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Srinivasa Rao Satya Boina | 0-1 | Holden Chalfant |
Maurice Lessard | 1-0 | Sanshrey Satya Boina |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Paul A Baginski |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving full-point byes were Avhishaan Negi.
♗ ♝ Marinos & Zhao game outcome & positions in current standings are undetermined as yet (2:44 PM 2/16/2019).
Billerica February Swiss, February 15th, 2019
CURRENT STANDINGS After 3 Rounds [Updated 5:57 PM 2/18/2019] |
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Kelly, Pearson, Marinos |
2 | Vaughan, S Negi, Evans, Holmgren |
1.5 | Paulson, Chalfant, Lessard, Tibbetts |
1 | Norman, Baginski, Howell, Tan, A Negi, Zhao |
0.5 | G Simolaris, Mellor, A Simolaris, Srinivasa Rao Satya Boina, Sai Sanshrey Satya Boina |
0 | Babcock |
Billerica February Swiss, February 15th, 2019
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Kelly, Pearson |
2 | Vaughan, S Negi, Evans, Holmgren |
1.5 | Paulson, Chalfant, Lessard, Tibbetts |
1 | Norman, Baginski, Howell, Tan, A Negi |
0.5 | G Simolaris, Mellor, A Simolaris, Srinivasa Rao Satya Boina, Sai Sanshrey Satya Boina |
0 | Babcock |
February 8th, 2019

2019 Billerica February Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 8th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Chris Marinos | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Robert Holmgren |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Joseph F Kelly |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Srinivasa Satya Boina |
Sanshrey Satya Boina | 0-1 | Kevin J Tibbetts |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | George Norman |
Paul A Baginski | 0-1 | Michael T Howell |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 8th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Caruso, Kelly, Pearson |
1.5 | Vaughan, Paulson, Nugent, Marinos, Tibbetts |
1 | Zhao, S Negi, Evans, Holmgren, Norman, Howell, Tan |
0.5 | G Simolaris, Chalfant, Mellor, A Simolaris, Lessard, Srinivasa Satya Boina, Sanshrey Satya Boina |
0 | Baginski, Babcock, A Negi |
February 1st, 2019

2019 Billerica February Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 1st, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
George Norman | 0-1 | Timothy G Bromley |
Arthur P Nugent | 1-0 | Paul A Baginski |
George Simolaris | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Joseph F Kelly | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Michael T Howell | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
♔ Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Rich Mellor |
Alexand Simolaris | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Robert Holmgren | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 1st, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Kelly, Pearson, Zhao, Marinos, Evans, Holmgren, Tan |
0 | S Negi, Norman, Baginski, G Simolaris, Babcock, Howell, Chalfant, Mellor, A Simolaris, A Negi |
January 25th, 2019
Shailendra Negi stuns Billerica January Swiss
Shailendra Negi took cleear first place in this year's January Billerica Swiss with a perfect 4.0/4 score propelled by consecutive wins over three USCF Candidate Masters, John Vaughan, Ray Paulson & Fred Pearson. This outstanding performance will boost Shailendra's rating by more than a hundred rating points to his official all time high of 1909, & place him among the top conterders at the Billerica club.
Billerica January Swiss, January 25th, 2019
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1/2-1/2 | Srikanth Rapaka |
George Norman | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Michael David |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Zhiyang Tan | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Anoushka Nagle | 1-0 | Avhishaan Si Negi |
Mike Howell | 0-1 | ♔ Rayhan Riaz |
Kevin Tibbets | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Daniel Wu | 0-1 | Anika Nagle |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica January Swiss, January 25th, 2019
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | S Negi |
3 | Paulson, Stewart, Rapaka |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Pearson, Zhao, Marinos, Norman, David |
2 | Baginski, Tan, Yeola, Anoushka Nagle, Riaz |
1.5 | Evans, Billmers, Babcock, Chalfant |
1 | Vaughan, Howell, Anika Nagle, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Sun, Tibbets |
0 | Wu |
♔ 2019 Billerica January Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Shailendra Negi |
2nd-4th | Ray Paulson, Robb Stewart, Srikanth Rapaka |
January 18th, 2019

2019 Billerica January Swiss
Round 3 of 4
A good day to be black in Billerica
Billerica January Swiss, January 18th, 2019
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | ♔ Shailendra Negi |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Jeffrey Caruso | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | ♔ Arnesh Yeola |
Anoushka Nagle | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Michael David | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Meyer Billmers |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | ♔ Holden Chalfant |
Anika Nagle | 0-1 | Mike Howell |
Daniel Wu | 0-1 | Zhiyang Tan |
Total of 13 boards, 3 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica January Swiss, January 18th, 2019
Points | Players |
3 | S Negi |
2.5 | Bromley, Pearson, Stewart, Rapaka, Norman |
2 | Nugent, Paulson, Baginski, David, Yeola |
1.5 | Caruso, Zhao, Marinos, Evans, Billmers, Chalfant |
1 | Vaughan, Howell, Tan, Anoushka Nagle, Riaz, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Babcock, Sun |
0 | Anika Nagle, Wu |
January 11th, 2019

2019 Billerica January Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 11th, 2019
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
♔ Shailendra S Negi | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | George Norman |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Liming Sun |
Michael David | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Arnesh Sach Yeola | 1-0 | Daniel Wu |
Mike Howell | 0-1 | ♔ Anoushka Nagle |
Zhiyang Tan | 0-1 | ♔ Rayhan Riaz |
Total of 12 boards, 3 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Avhishaan Si Negi.
Billerica January Swiss, January 11th, 2019
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, S Negi, Norman |
1.5 | Bromley, Caruso, Pearson, Stewart, Zhao, Rapaka, Marinos, Evans |
1 | Vaughan, Nugent, Baginski, David, Yeola, Anoushka Nagle, Riaz, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Billmers, Babcock, Sun, Chalfant |
0 | Yerra, Howell, Tan, Anika Nagle, Wu |
January 4th, 2019

2019 Billerica January Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 4th, 2019
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Michael David |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Bob Babcock | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Zhiyang Tan |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Arnesh Sach Yeola |
Anika Nagle | 0-1 | Shailendra S Negi |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Anoushka Nagle |
Rayhan Riaz | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
George Norman | 1-0 | Daniel Wu |
Avhishaan Si Negi | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving full-point byes were Maurice Lessard.
Billerica January Swiss, January 4th, 2019
Points | Players |
1 | Vaughan, Bromley, Paulson, Caruso, Zhao, S Negi, Marinos, Evans, Norman, Baginski, Lessard |
0.5 | Nugent, Babcock |
0 | David, Howell, Tan, Chalfant, Yeola, Anika Nagle, Anoushka Nagle, Riaz, A Negi, Wu |
December 28th, 2018
Jeff Caruso finishes 2018 on top
Billerica December Swiss, December 28th, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Srikanth Rapaka | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
David Bird | 1/2-1/2 | Liming Sun |
Sai Yerra | 1/2-1/2 | Shailendra Negi |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Anoushka Nagle |
Michael David | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Robert Babcock | 1-0 | Michael Howell |
Anika Nagle | 0-1 | Ryan Sun |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 28th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Caruso |
3 | Pearson |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, Rapaka |
2 | Vaughan, Zhao, Bird, Negi, Marinos, Yerra, L Sun, Anoushka Nagle |
1.5 | Stewart, Evans, Baginski, David, Babcock, R Sun, Chalfant |
1 | Lessard |
0.5 | Howell, Mellor |
0 | Anika Nagle |
♔ 2018 Billerica December Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Jeff Caruso |
2nd: | Fred Pearson |
December 21st, 2018

2018 Billerica December Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 21st, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Shailendra Negi | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
♔ Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Derek Zhao | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
♔ Liming Sun | 1-0 | Michael David |
Holden Chalfant | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
♔ Anoushka Nagle | 1-0 | Ryan Sun |
Total of 8 boards, 3 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 21st, 2018
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Caruso, Paulson, Rapaka |
2 | Nugent, Pearson, Zhao, Marinos |
1.5 | Vaughan, Stewart, Bird, Negi, Yerra, Baginski, L Sun, Chalfant, Anoushka Nagle |
1 | Evans, Lessard |
0.5 | David, Howell, Babcock, R Sun, Mellor |
0 | Anika Nagle |
December 14th, 2018

2018 Billerica December Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 14th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Frederick Pearson |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | David Bird |
Derek Zhao | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Arthur Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Michael Howell | 0-1 | Sai Yerra |
Richard Mellor | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Paul A Baginski | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Anoushka Nagle | 1/2-1/2 | Michael David |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 14th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Paulson |
1.5 | Vaughan, Nugent, Caruso, Zhao, Stewart, Rapaka, Negi, Yerra |
1 | Pearson, Bird, Marinos, Evans, Baginski, Lessard |
0.5 | David, Howell, L Sun, R Sun, Chalfant, Mellor, Anoushka Nagle |
0 | Babcock, Anika Nagle |
December 7th, 2018

2018 Billerica December Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 7th, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Michael David | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Liming Sun |
Ryan Sun | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Anika Nagle | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
David Bird | 1-0 | Anoushka Nagle |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard
Billerica December Swiss, December 7th, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Vaughan, Nugent, Caruso, Paulson, Pearson, Zhao, Stewart, Rapaka, Bird, Lessard |
0 | Marinos, Evans, David, Baginski, Babcock, L Sun, R Sun, Chalfant, Anika Nagle, Anoushka Nagle |
November 30th, 2018
John Vaughan finishes first with 5-0
Billerica November Swiss, November 30th, 2018
Round 5 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Timothy Bromley |
Jeffrey Caruso | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Shailendra Negi |
Anoushka Nagle | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Michael David | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Meyer A Billmers | 1-0 | Richard Mellor |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | Arnesh Yeola |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica November Swiss, November 30th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 5 Rounds |
Points | Players |
5 | Vaughan |
4 | Paulson |
3.5 | Pearson, S Negi |
3 | Bromley, Zhao, Rapaka, Baginski |
2.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Marinos, Evans, Babcock, Anoushka Nagle |
2 | David, Billmers |
1.5 | Larocca, Stewart, Pillai, Chalfant, Yeola, Anika Nagle, Lessard |
1 | Mellor, A Negi |
0.5 | Norman, Henroid |
♔ 2018 Billerica November Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | John Vaughan |
2nd: | Ray Paulson |
Top U1700: | Paul Baginski |
December will be four rounds, on 12/7, 12/14, 12/21, and 12/28.
1/2-point byes available in the last round upon request.
November 23rd, 2018

2018 Billerica November Swiss
Round 4 of 5
Vaughan leads after 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 23rd, 2018
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Raymond Paulson |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
Arthur Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Michael David | 0-1 | Robert Babcock |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Anoushka Nagle |
Anika Nagle | 1/2-1/2 | Meyer A Billmers |
Holden Chalfant | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Richard Mellor | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica November Swiss, November 23rd, 2018
Points | Players |
4 | Vaughan |
3 | Bromley, Paulson, Rapaka |
2.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Pearson, S Negi, Evans, Babcock, Anoushka Nagle |
2 | Zhao, Baginski |
1.5 | Larocca, Stewart, Marinos, Pillai, Chalfant, Anika Nagle |
1 | David, Billmers, Mellor, A Negi |
0.5 | Norman, Henroid, Yeola, Lessard |
November 16th, 2018

2018 Billerica November Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica November Swiss, November 16th, 2018
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Derek Zhao | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Frederick Pearson |
Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Natesh Pillai | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Michael David |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Robert E Stewart |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Robert Babcock |
♔ Anoushka Nagle | 1-0 | Richard Mellor |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica November Swiss, November 16th, 2018
Points | Players |
3 | Vaughan, Paulson |
2.5 | S Negi |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Pearson, Zhao, Rapaka, Evans |
1.5 | Larocca, Stewart, Baginski, Babcock, Anoushka Nagle |
1 | Marinos, Pillai, David, Anika Nagle, A Negi |
0.5 | Norman, Chalfant, Henroid, Yeola, Lessard |
0 | Mellor |
November 9th, 2018

2018 Billerica November Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Billerica November Swiss, November 9th, 2018
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Jeffrey Caruso | 0-1 | ♔ Shailendra Negi |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Natesh Pillai | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Arthur Nugent |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Timothy Bromley |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Richard Mellor | 0-1 | Michael David |
Robert Babcock | 1/2-1/2 | Anoushka Nagle |
♔ Anika Nagle | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Total of 11 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica November Swiss, November 9th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Vaughan, Paulson, Pearson, Zhao, S Negi |
1.5 | Larocca, Nugent |
1 | Bromley, Caruso, Rapaka, Marinos, Evans, Pillai, David, Anika Nagle, A Negi |
0.5 | Stewart, Norman, Baginski, Babcock, Yeola, Anoushka Nagle |
0 | Chalfant, Henroid, Mellor |
November 2nd, 2018

2018 Billerica November Swiss
Round 1 of 5
Billerica November Swiss, November 2nd, 2018
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Mark Larocca |
Timothy Bromley | 0-1 | ♔ Natesh Pillai |
George Norman | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Arthur Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Baginski |
Michael David | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Richard Mellor |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Anika Nagle |
Anoushka Nagle | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Avhishaan Negi.
Billerica November Swiss, November 2nd, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Larocca, Vaughan, Caruso, Paulson, Pearson, Zhao, Rapaka, S Negi, Marinos, Pillai, A Negi |
0.5 | Nugent, Baginski |
0 | Bromley, Evans, Norman, David, Babcock, Chalfant, Mellor, Yeola, Anika Nagle, Anoushka Nagle |
October 26th, 2018
Jeff Caruso tops the field in October Swiss
Billerica October Swiss, October 26th, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Frederick Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | Timothy Bromley |
Raymond Paulson | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Michael David |
Holden Chalfant | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Richard Mellor |
Total of 8 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica October Swiss, October 26th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Caruso |
3 | Paulson, Vaughan, Rapaka |
2.5 | Bromley, Pearson, Stewart, Marinos |
2 | Zhao, S Negi, Chalfant, Mellor |
1.5 | Evans, Arond, Baginski, David |
1 | Nugent, Henroid, Yeola, Lessard |
0.5 | Norman |
0 | A Negi |
♔ 2018 Billerica October Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Jeffrey Caruso |
2nd-4th: | Ray Paulson, John Vaughan, Srikanth Rapaka |
Top U1800: | Chris Marinos |
October 19th, 2018

2018 Billerica October Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 19th, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Frederick Pearson |
Derek Zhao | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Richard Mellor | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Shailendra Negi |
Michael David | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Holden Chalfant |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Arnesh Yeola |
Total of 10 boards, no major major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 19th, 2018
Points | Players |
3 | Vaughan |
2.5 | Caruso, Stewart |
2 | Bromley, Paulson, Pearson, Zhao, Rapaka |
1.5 | Evans, Arond, Marinos, Baginski, David |
1 | Nugent, S Negi, Chalfant, Henroid, Yeola, Mellor |
0.5 | Norman |
0 | Lessard, A Negi |
October 12th, 2018

2018 Billerica October Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 12th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | Timothy Bromley |
Raymond Paulson | 0-1 | ♔ Robb Stewart |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
George Norman | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Baginski |
Arnesh Yeola | 0-1 | Michael David |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Bryan Henroid |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Richard Mellor |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 12th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Pearson, Vaughan, Caruso, Stewart |
1.5 | Zhao, Evans |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Nugent, Rapaka, Arond, Marinos, S Negi, David, Henroid, Mellor |
0.5 | Baginski, Norman |
0 | Chalfant, Yeola, Lessard, A Negi |
October 5th, 2018

2018 Billerica October Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 5th, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy Bromley | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Arthur Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Shailendra Negi |
Michael David | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Arnesh Yeola |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Richard Mellor | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
Total of 10 boards, no major major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 5th, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Pearson, Vaughan, Caruso, Stewart, Rapaka, Evans, Arond |
0.5 | Nugent, S Negi |
0 | Marinos, Baginski, David, Chalfant, Henroid, Yeola, Lessard, A Negi, Mellor |
September 28th, 2018
Tim Bromley & Shailendra Negi share top honors in 2018 Billerica September Swiss
Billerica September Swiss, September 28th, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | ♔ Shailendra Negi |
Arthur Nugent | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
George Norman | 1-0 | Paul Arond |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
Ansh Yadawad | 0-1 | Michael David |
♔ Rich Mellor | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Robert E Stewart |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Roland Booker Iii |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica September Swiss, September 28th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley, S Negi |
3 | Nugent |
2.5 | Pearson, Caruso, Vaughan, Baginski, Norman |
2 | Paulson, Evans, Rapaka, Marinos, David, Mellor |
1.5 | Stewart, Arond, Pillai, Booker |
1 | Kaminsky, Chalfant, Lessard, A Negi |
0.5 | Yadawad, Babcock |
♔ 2018 Billerica September Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Tim Bromley, Shailendra Negi |
Top U1700: | George Norman |
September 21st, 2018

2018 Billerica September Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 21st, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Jeffrey Caruso |
John Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Michael David | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Rich Mellor |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica September Swiss, September 21st, 2018
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Pearson, Caruso, Vaughan, S Negi |
2 | Nugent, Paulson, Baginski |
1.5 | Evans, Rapaka, Arond, Marinos, Norman, Pillai |
1 | Kaminsky, David, Chalfant, A Negi, Mellor |
0.5 | Stewart, Yadawad, Booker, Babcock |
0 | Lessard |
September 14th, 2018

2018 Billerica September Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 14th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Jeffrey Caruso | 1-0 | George Norman |
Natesh Pillai | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Arthur Nugent | 1-0 | Paul Arond |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Robert E Stewart | 0-1 | ♔ Shailendra Negi |
Michael David | 1-0 | Rich Mellor |
♖ Holden Chalfant | 1/2-1/2 | Robert Kaminsky |
♔ Avhishaan Negi | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
Billerica September Swiss, September 14th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Pearson, Caruso, Vaughan |
1.5 | Nugent, Marinos, S Negi |
1 | Paulson, Baginski, Norman, Pillai, David, Chalfant, A Negi |
0.5 | Stewart, Evans, Arond, Yadawad, Iii, Kaminsky, Babcock |
0 | Lessard, Mellor |
September 7th, 2018

2018 Billerica September Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 7th, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
♖ Shailendra Negi | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Roland Booker III |
Robert Kaminsky | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Michael David |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Holden Chalfant |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
George Norman | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Rich Mellor | 0-1 | Natesh Pillai |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets,
2 upset draws (♖). |
Billerica September Swiss, September 7th, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Caruso, Vaughan, Paulson, Baginski, Norman, Pillai |
0.5 | Nugent, Evans, S Negi, Chalfant |
0 | Yadawad, Iii, Kaminsky, David, Babcock, Lessard, A Negi, Mellor |
August 31st, 2018
Paulson clear first in August Swiss
Billerica August Swiss, August 31st, 2018
Round 5 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | Michael Henroid |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Stephen Savage | 1-0 | Dan Kilgour |
Shailendra S Negi | 1-0 | Datta Kilari |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | George Norman |
James Hankard | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Maurice Lessard | 1-0 | Richard Mellor |
Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Robert Babcock | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets, (♔ ♕), no upset draws (♖). |
Billerica August Swiss, August 31st, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 5 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4.5 | Paulson |
4 | M Henroid |
3.5 | Bromley, Pearson, Arond |
3 | Vaughan, Rapaka, Savage, S Negi |
2.5 | Nugent, Johnson, Evans, Baginski, Marinos, Hankard |
2 | Caruso, Dey, Kilgour, Lessard, Kilari, Kislay |
1.5 | Norman, Babcock, Chalfant |
1 | B Henroid |
0.5 | Booker, Mellor |
0 | A Negi |
♔ 2018 Billerica August Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Ray Paulson |
2nd: | Mike Henroid |
Top U1600: | Stephen Savage |
August 24th, 2018

2018 Billerica August Swiss
Round 4 of 5
Billerica August Swiss, August 24th, 2018
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Michael Henroid | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | ♔ Paul Arond |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Stephen Savage |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | James Hankard |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Art Nugent | 0-1 | ♔ Chris Marinos |
♖ Dan Kilgour | 1/2-1/2 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Datta Kilari | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | ♔ Shailendra S Negi |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | George Norman |
Total of 12 boards, 3 major upsets (♔ ♕),
1 upset draw (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Kaustubh Kislay.
Billerica August Swiss, August 24th, 2018
Points | Players |
3.5 | Paulson, Pearson, Arond |
3 | M Henroid, Vaughan |
2.5 | Bromley, Johnson, Evans, Baginski, Marinos |
2 | Caruso, Rapaka, Dey, Savage, Kilgour, Kilari, S Negi |
1.5 | Nugent, Norman, Hankard, Chalfant |
1 | B Henroid, Lessard, Kislay |
0.5 | Booker, Babcock |
0 | A Negi |
August 17th, 2018

2018 Billerica August Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica August Swiss, August 17th, 2018
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
♔ Paul Arond | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Michael Henroid | 1-0 | Dan Kilgour |
Srikanth Rapaka | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Holden Chalfant | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Ranjan Dey |
Stephen Savage | 1-0 | Datta Kilari |
George Norman | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Bryan Henroid | 1-0 | Kaustubh Kislay |
Shailendra Negi | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔ ♕). No upset draws (♖). |
Billerica August Swiss, August 17th, 2018
Points | Players |
3 | Paulson |
2.5 | M Henroid, Pearson, Johnson, Arond |
2 | Caruso, Vaughan, Dey, Savage |
1.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Evans, Rapaka, Baginski, Marinos, Hankard, Kilgour, Chalfant |
1 | B Henroid, Lessard, Kilari, S Negi |
0.5 | Norman, Booker, Babcock |
0 | A Negi, Kislay |
August 10th, 2018

2018 Billerica August Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Billerica August Swiss, August 10th, 2018
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Silverio Johnson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Arond |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1/2-1/2 | Michael Henroid |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
♔ Dan Kilgour | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
James Hankard | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Ranjan Dey | 1-0 | Shailendra S Negi |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Stephen Savage |
Kaustubh Kislay | 0-1 | Holden Chalfant |
Total of 11 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕),
no upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Datta Kilari.
Billerica August Swiss, August 10th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, Pearson, Vaughan |
1.5 | Bromley, Nugent, M Henroid, Johnson, Arond, Rapaka, Kilgour |
1 | Caruso, Evans, Baginski, Hankard, Dey, Savage, Chalfant, Lessard, Kilari |
0.5 | Marinos, Booker, Babcock |
0 | B Henroid, A Negi, S Negi, Kislay |
August 3rd, 2018

2018 Billerica August Swiss
Round 1 of 5
August Swiss expands to 12 boards for planned 5-rounder
Billerica August Swiss, August 3rd, 2018
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | James Hankard |
Michael Henroid | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Stephen Savage | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Dan Kilgour |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Datta Kilari | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Shailendra Negi | 0-1 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Kaustubh Kislay |
Total of 12 boards,
no upsets (♔ ♕)
1 upset draw (♖) |
♜ Receiving full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica August Swiss, August 3rd, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, M Henroid, Pearson, Vaughan, Johnson, Evans, Arond, Rapaka, Baginski, Lessard |
0.5 | Caruso, Kilgour |
0 | Marinos, Hankard, Booker, Dey, Savage, Chalfant, B Henroid, Kilari, A Negi, S Negi, Kislay |
July 27th, 2018
Jeff Caruso tops field in Billerica July Swiss
Billerica July Swiss, July 27th, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Srikanth Rapaka |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Shailendra S Negi |
Michael Henroid | 1-0 | Paul Arond |
Frederick Pearson | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
Michael Shoueiry | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Bryan Li Henroid | 0-1 | Paul A Baginski |
George Norman | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
James Hankard | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Daniel Kilgour | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Kaustubh Kislay | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica July Swiss, July 27th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Caruso |
3 | Bromley, Vaughan, Rapaka |
2.5 | M Henroid, Paulson, Evans, Marinos, S Negi |
2 | Pearson, Baginski, Norman, Hankard |
1.5 | Nugent, Arond, Savage, Dey, Shoueiry, Kilgour, Kislay |
1 | Chalfant, B Henroid |
0.5 | Lai, Babcock, A Negi |
0 | Lessard |
♔ 2018 Billerica July Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Jeff Caruso |
2nd-4th: | Tim Bromley, John Vaughan, Srikanth Rapaka |
Top U1600: | Shailendra Negi |
July 20th, 2018

2018 Billerica July Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 20th, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Timothy G Bromley |
Raymond Paulson | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Arthur P Nugent | 0-1 | ♔ Srikanth Rapaka |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | ♔ Shailendra S Negi |
George Norman | 0-1 | Frederick Pearson |
Chris Marinos | 1/2-1/2 | Michael Henroid |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Holden Chalfant |
Daniel Kilgour | 0-1 | Stephen Savage |
Avhishaan Negi | 0-1 | Michael Shoueiry |
Paul A Baginski | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 20th, 2018
Points | Players |
3 | Vaughan, Caruso |
2.5 | Rapaka, S Negi |
2 | Bromley, Pearson |
1.5 | M Henroid, Paulson, Evans, Marinos, Arond, Hankard, Savage, Dey, Shoueiry |
1 | Nugent, Baginski, Norman, Chalfant, B Henroid |
0.5 | Lai, Babcock, Kilgour, A Negi |
0 | Lessard |
July 13th, 2018

>2018 Billerica July Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 13th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Timothy G Bromley | 1-0 | Frederick Pearson |
Michael Henroid | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
John P Vaughan | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Ranjan Dey | 1/2-1/2 | Arthur P Nugent |
Isabella Lai | 0-1 | Raymond Paulson |
♔ Shailendra S Negi | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Bryan Li Henroid | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
Srikanth Rapaka | 1-0 | Avhishaan Negi |
♔ Holden Chalfant | 1-0 | Paul A Baginski |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | James Hankard |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 13th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Vaughan, Caruso |
1.5 | Paulson, Arond, Rapaka, S Negi |
1 | Nugent, M Henroid, Pearson, Marinos, Norman, Hankard, Dey, Chalfant |
0.5 | Evans, Lai, Babcock, Kilgour, B Henroid, A Negi |
0 | Baginski, Lessard |
July 6th, 2018

2018 Billerica July Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 6th, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul A Baginski | 0-1 | Timothy G Bromley |
Arthur P Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | George Norman |
James Hankard | 0-1 | Michael Henroid |
Raymond Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | Ranjan Dey |
Robert Babcock | 0-1 | John P Vaughan |
Frederick Pearson | 1-0 | Daniel Kilgour |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Bryan Henroid |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica July Swiss, July 6th, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, M Henroid, Vaughan, Pearson, Caruso, Marinos |
0.5 | Nugent, Paulson, Evans, Norman, Dey, B Henroid |
0 | Baginski, Hankard, Babcock, Kilgour, Chalfant, Lessard |
♔ As of tonight, Art Nugent has retired and Tim Bromley has officially taken over management of the club, assisted by John Vaughan. Art will continue to attend as a member, but from now on he gets to go home when his game is done! -Jeff
June 29th, 2018
Since 16 players showed up for the Midsummer Blitz tournament, we had a 15 round robin event. Lots of interesting chess was played, a few cliff hangers & once again, of course, not a single blunder was made all night!
Billerica Midsumer Blitz, June 29th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 15 Rounds |
Points | Players |
12.5 | Paul Godin |
11 | Tim Bromley, John Vaughan, Art Nugent |
10.5 | Fred Pearson |
10 | Nate Smith |
9.5 | Silverio Johnson |
8 | Ansh Yadawad |
7.5 | Ray Paulson, Holden Chalfant |
7 | Jeff Caruso |
6 | Chris Marinos |
5 | Milt Evans |
2 | Anish Chidgopkar |
1.5 | Bob Babcock |
0 | Paul Baginski |
♔ 2018 Midsummer Blitz Winners with score and tiebreaks (head-to-head results, S-B points): ♔ |
1st: | Paul Godin (12.5) |
2nd: | Tim Bromley (11, 1-1, 70.5) |
3rd: | John Vaughan (11, 1-1, 69.5) |
4th: | Art Nugent (11, 1-1, 67.75) |
June 22nd, 2018
June Swiss ends in thee-way tie
Billerica June Swiss, June 22nd, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Michael David | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Ansh Yadawad |
George Norman | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | Holden Chalfant |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Anish Chidgopkar.
Billerica June Swiss, June 22nd, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3 | Bromley, Paulson, Baginski |
2.5 | Kelly, Pearson, Vaughan, Yadawad |
2 | Caruso, Norman, David |
1.5 | Marinos, Evans, Savage, Babcock, Chidgopkar, Chalfant |
1 | Nugent, Dey, Lessard |
0.5 | Vedula, Henroid |
♔ 2018 Billerica June Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-3rd: | Tim Bromley, Ray Paulson, Paul Baginski |
Top U1600: | Ansh Yadawad |
This Friday, June 29th, is Blitz Night.
G/5; d0 -- RR or Swiss depending on entries
June 15th, 2018

2018 Billerica June Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica June Swiss, June 15th, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
♔Michael David | 1-0 | George Norman |
Holden Chalfant | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Chris Marinos | 1/2-1/2 | Bob Babcock |
Stephen Savage | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Hrishikesh Vedula | 1/2-1/2 | Anish Chidgopkar |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica June Swiss, June 15th, 2018
Points | Players |
3 | Paulson |
2.5 | Kelly |
2 | Bromley, Caruso, Baginski, David |
1.5 | Pearson, Vaughan, Marinos, Evans, Savage, Yadawad, Babcock |
1 | Nugent, Norman, Dey, Lessard |
0.5 | Chidgopkar, Vedula, Chalfant, Henroid |
June 8th, 2018

2018 Billerica June Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica June Swiss, June 8th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ranjan Dey | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Holden Chalfont |
Chris Marinos | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Baginski |
George Norman | 1-0 | Anish Chidgopkar |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Hrishikesh Vedula |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Michael David |
Total of 8 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica June Swiss, June 8th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, Caruso |
1.5 | Kelly, Vaughan, Evans, Yadawad |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Marinos, Norman, Baginski, Babcock, David, Dey |
0.5 | Pearson, Chalfont |
0 | Chidgopkar, Vedula, Lessard |
♗ Next week Paul Arond will fill in as TD.
June 1st, 2018

2018 Billerica June Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica June Swiss, June 1st, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | George Norman |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Michael David | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | ♔ Ranjan Dey |
Anish Chidgopkar | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Holden Chalfont | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Hrishikesh Vedula |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica June Swiss, June 1st, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly, Vaughan, Caruso, Evans, Dey |
0.5 | Nugent, Marinos, Baginski, Chalfont |
0 | Pearson, Norman, Babcock, David, Chidgopkar, Vedula, Lessard |
June 29 will be a Blitz night, either a round-robin or Swiss depending on the number of participants.
Art Nugent is retiring as Billerica Club President. His last night is June 29.
We are looking for a replacement and may have news in the coming weeks.
May 25th, 2018
We decided that the May tournament would be 3 rounds and the June tournament will be 4 or 5 rounds,
possibly doing a blitz night on June 29.
We'll decide which next Friday. Stay tuned. -Jeff
Fred Pearson 3 for 3 in May Swiss
Billerica May Swiss, May 25th, 2018
Round 3 of 3 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Chris Marinos | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Bryan Henroid | 1-0 | Avni Nagaraj |
Anish Chidgopkar | 1/2-1/2 | Hrishikesh Vedula |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica May Swiss, May 25th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 3 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3 | Pearson |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, Kelly, Vaughan, Paulson, Baginski |
1.5 | Caruso, Stewart, Evans, Donahue, Henroid |
1 | Booker, Lessard, Marinos |
0.5 | Yerra, Billmers, Chidgopkar, Nagaraj, Vedula |
♔ 2018 Billerica May Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Fred Pearson |
Top U1800: | Paul Baginski |
May 11th, 2018

2018 Billerica May Swiss
Round 2 of 4
There is no Billerica Chess Club meeting next week (May 18) due to work on the building!
Billerica May Swiss, May 11th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Avni Nagaraj | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Roland Booker | 1-0 | Anish Chidgopkar |
Hrishikesh Vedula | 0-1 | James Donahue |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica May Swiss, May 11th, 2018
Points | Players |
1.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Stewart, Evans, Baginski |
1 | Bromley, Vaughan, Paulson, Booker, Donahue, Lessard, Marinos |
0.5 | Yerra, Billmers, Henroid, Nagaraj |
0 | Chidgopkar, Vedula |
May 4th, 2018

2018 Billerica May Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 4th, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | ♔ Milt Evans |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Roland Booker |
James Donahue | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Sai Sneha Yerra |
Anish Chidgopkar | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Hrishikesh |
Total of 7 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica May Swiss, May 4th, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Kelly, Vaughan, Pearson, Paulson, Evans, Marinos |
0.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Baginski |
0 | Bromley, Booker, Donahue, Yerra, Chidgopkar, Hrishikesh |
April 27th, 2018
Paulson perfect in Billerica April Swiss
Billerica April Swiss, April 27th, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving full-point byes were Maurice Lessard.
Billerica April Swiss, April 27th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Paulson |
3 | Caruso, Marinos |
2.5 | Bromley |
2 | Nugent, Pearson, Vaughan, Donahue, Baginski, Babcock |
1.5 | Norman, Yadawad, Billmers |
1 | Smith, Booker, Chidgopkar, Lessard |
0.5 | Henroid |
♔ 2018 Billerica April Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Ray Paulson |
2nd-3rd: | Jeff Caruso, Chris Marinos |
Top U1700: | Jim Donahue |
April 20th, 2018

2018 Billerica April Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 20th, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
♖ James Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Nate Smith | 0-1 | ♔ Paul Baginski |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Chris Marinos |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Ansh Yadawad |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | Meyer Billmers |
Roland Booker | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 8 boards,
1 major upset (♔ ♕)
1 upset draw (♖) |
Billerica April Swiss, April 20th, 2018
Points | Players |
3 | Paulson |
2 | Nugent, Pearson, Caruso, Donahue, Baginski, Marinos |
1.5 | Bromley, Norman, Yadawad, Billmers |
1 | Vaughan, Smith, Booker, Babcock, Chidgopkar |
0.5 | Henroid |
0 | Lessard |
April 13th, 2018

2018 Billerica April Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 13th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Nate Smith |
Ansh Yadawad | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | James Donahue |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Anish Chidgopkar |
George Norman | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Roland Booker |
Total of 9 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕)
1 upset draw (♖) |
Billerica April Swiss, April 13th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, Caruso |
1.5 | Nugent, Pearson, Donahue |
1 | Bromley, Vaughan, Smith, Norman, Baginski, Babcock, Chidgopkar, Marinos |
0.5 | Yadawad, Billmers, Henroid |
0 | Booker, Lessard |
April 6th, 2018

2018 Billerica April Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 6th, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | George Norman |
♖ James Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Paul Baginski |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Nate Smith | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Total of 7 boards,
no major upsets (♔ ♕)
2 upset draws (♖) |
Billerica April Swiss, April 6th, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Vaughan, Caruso, Smith |
0.5 | Pearson, Nugent, Donahue, Baginski |
0 | Norman, Booker, Babcock, Lessard, Marinos |
March 30th, 2018
Fred finishes first
USCF expert, Fred Pearson, won the Billerica March 2018 Swiss by winning all four of his games with a convincing 4.0 score in the four round event. While Fred is no stranger to the top prize at Billerica, this is the first time he's ever done it with a perfect score. In the process, he defeated a class B player, Jim Dnahue, two class A players, Ray Paulson & Jeff Caruso, & strong expert Tim Bromley thus adding 51 points to his rating. Coingratulations, Fred.
Clear second place went to USCF expert Art Nugent while Under 1600 honors were shared by Bob Babcock & Chris Marinos, who started as an unrated player & now holds a provisional rating of 1645 based on three games.
Billerica March Swiss, March 30th, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Anish Chidgopkar |
Roland Booker | 1/2-1/2 | Chris Marinos |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Sebastien Richert |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica March Swiss, March 30th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Pearson |
3 | Nugent |
2.5 | Bromley, Caruso |
2 | Paulson, Baginski, Booker, Babcock, Marinos |
1.5 | Kelly, Bird, Richert, Yadawad, Chidgopkar |
1 | Donahue, Lai |
0.5 | Billmers |
0 | Lessard |
♔ 2018 Billerica March Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Fred Pearson |
2nd: | Art Nugent |
Top U1600: | Bob Babcock & Chris Marinos |
March 23rd, 2018

2018 Billerica March Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica March Swiss, March 23rd, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Chris Marinos |
Anish Chidgopkar | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
David Bird | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Sebastien Richert | 0-1 | Roland Booker |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica March Swiss, March 23rd, 2018
Points | Players |
3 | Pearson |
2.5 | Caruso |
2 | Nugent, Paulson |
1.5 | Bromley, Kelly, Bird, Booker, Yadawad, Chidgopkar, Marinos |
1 | Baginski, Donahue, Babcock, Lai |
0.5 | Billmers, Richert |
0 | Lessard |
March 16th, 2018

2018 Billerica March Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica March Swiss, March 16th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Isabella Lai |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | ♔ Anish Chidgopkar |
♔ Chris Marinos | 1-0 | Sebastien Richert |
James Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | Ansh Yadawad |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 6 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
♝ Receiving half-point byes were Baginski, Bird, Bromley, Caruso, & Kelly.
Billerica March Swiss, March 16th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Pearson |
1.5 | Bromley, Kelly, Caruso, Chidgopkar, Marinos |
1 | Nugent, Paulson, Baginski, Babcock, Lai |
0.5 | Bird, Donahue, Billmers, Richert, Yadawad |
0 | Lessard |
March 9th, 2018
Meeting cancelled tonight!
There is no Billerica Chess Club meeting tonight, March 9th!
March 2nd, 2018

2018 Billerica March Swiss
Round 1 of 5
Billerica Begins March 5-rounder
Billerica March Swiss, March 2nd, 2018
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | David Bird |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | James Donahue |
Ansh Yadawad | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica March Swiss, March 2nd, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Paulson, Kelly, Caruso |
0.5 | Nugent, Baginski |
0 | Bird, Donahue, Yadawad, Babcock, Lessard |
February 23rd, 2018
Pearson prevails
Billerica February Swiss, February 23rd, 2018
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
David Bird | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Travis Rappleyea | 0-1 | James Donahue |
Sebastien Richert | 0-1 | George Norman |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica February Swiss, February 23rd, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Pearson |
3 | Caruso |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Kelly, Stewart |
2 | Paulson, Bird, Baginski, Donahue |
1.5 | Norman, Yadawad |
1 | Babcock, Dey, Lessard, Rappleyea |
0.5 | Richert |
♔ 2018 Billerica February Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Fred Pearson |
2nd: | Jeff Caruso |
Top U1700: | Jim Donahue |
February 16th, 2018

2018 Billerica February Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 16th, 2018
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | David Bird |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Travis Rappleyea |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Sebastien Richert |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica February Swiss, February 16th, 2018
Points | Players |
2.5 | Kelly, Pearson, Stewart |
2 | Bromley, Paulson, Nugent, Caruso |
1.5 | Yadawad |
1 | Bird, Baginski, Donahue, Babcock, Dey, Lessard, Rappleyea |
0.5 | Norman, Richert |
February 9th, 2018

2018 Billerica February Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 9th, 2018
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
♔Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
David Bird | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Travis Rappleyea | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | James Donahue |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Jeff Caruso |
♔Ranjan Dey | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 7 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 9th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Kelly, Pearson, Stewart |
1.5 | Paulson |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Bird, Babcock, Dey, Rappleyea |
0.5 | Norman, Donahue, Yadawad |
0 | Baginski, Lessard |
February 2nd, 2018

2018 Billerica February Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 2nd, 2018
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | George Norman |
James Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | David Bird |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Travis Rappleyea |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica February Swiss, February 2nd, 2018
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Kelly, Pearson, Stewart, Bird, Rappleyea |
0.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Donahue |
0 | Baginski, Norman, Yadawad, Babcock, Dey, Lessard |
January 26th, 2018
Art Nugent tops 3 rounder
Billerica January Swiss, January 26th, 2018
Round 3 of 3 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
James Donahue | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 4 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica January Swiss, January 26th, 2018
FINAL STANDINGS After 3 Rounds |
Points | Players |
2.5 | Nugent |
2 | Bromley, Paulson, Donahue |
1.5 | Pearson, Stewart, Yadawad |
1 | Caruso, Baginski |
0.5 | Billmers |
0 | Evans, Lessard |
♔ 2018 Billerica January Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Art Nugent |
2nd-4th: | Tim Bromley, Ray Paulson, Jim Donahue |
Top U1600: | Jim Donahue |
January 19th, 2018

2018 Billerica January Swiss
Round 2 of 3
Billerica January Swiss, January 19th, 2018
Round 2 of 3 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | ♔ James Donahue |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Total of 5 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica January Swiss, January 19th, 2018
Points | Players |
2 | Nugent |
1.5 | Bromley, Pearson, Stewart |
1 | Paulson, Caruso, Baginski, Donahue |
0.5 | Yadawad |
0 | Evans, Lessard |
January 12th, 2018

2018 Billerica January Swiss
Round 1 of 3
Billerica January Swiss, January 12th, 2018
Round 1 of 3 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | James Donahue |
Ansh Yadawad | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 5 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica January Swiss, January 12th, 2018
Points | Players |
1.0 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, Pearson, Caruso |
0.5 | ----- |
0.0 | Evans, Baginski, Donahue, Yadawad, Lessard |
Last week's round was snowed out so we will try to get in a 3-rounder for January. -Regards, Jeff
January 8th, 2018
Billerica CC players compete in 6th Annual Boaton Chess Congress
The 2018 Boaton Chess Congress USCF rating reports were filed after the tournament.
Here are the results for the Billerica CC players competing:
♔ ♝ ♘ ♜ Congratulations to all! ♖ ♞ ♗ ♚
December 29th, 2017
Fred Pearson takes Billerica Blitz by a point & a half!
Billerica Happy New Year Blitz, December 29th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 8 Rounds |
Points | Players |
13.5 | Fred Pearson |
12 | Art Nugent |
11 | Tim Bromley |
9 | Ray Paulson, Milt Evans |
8 | Jeff Caruso |
7 | Robb Stewart |
2 | Matthew Garcia |
0.5 | Joe Garcia |
♔ 2016 Billerica Happy New Year Blitz PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Fred Pearson |
2nd: | Art Nugent |
3rd: | Tim Bromley |
December 22nd, 2017
Tough night for the White pieces!
Billerica December Swiss, December 22nd, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Ansh Yadawad | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Total of 4 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica December Swiss, December 22nd, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley |
3 | Paulson, Evans |
2.5 | Vaughan, Caruso |
2 | Nugent, Pearson |
1.5 | Kelly, Johnson, Stewart, Bird, Donahue, G Braceland |
1 | Yadawad, Lessard |
0.5 | Norman, Howell, Krishnamoorthy, J Braceland Jr |
♔ 2017 Billerica December Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Tim Bromley |
2nd-3rd: | Ray Paulson, Milt Evans |
December 15th, 2017

2017 Billerica December Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 15th, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
David G Bird | 1-0 | John Braceland Jr |
James Donahue | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Total of 5 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was George Braceland.
Billerica December Swiss, December 15th, 2017
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Vaughan, Caruso |
2 | Nugent, Paulson, Evans |
1.5 | Kelly, Johnson, Stewart, Bird, Donahue, G Braceland |
1 | Pearson, Yadawad, Lessard |
0.5 | Norman, Howell, Krishnamoorthy, J Braceland Jr |
December 8th, 2017

2017 Billerica December Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 8th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | James Donahue |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | David G Bird |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica December Swiss, December 8th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Vaughan, Caruso |
1.5 | Nugent, Kelly, Johnson |
1 | Paulson, Pearson, Stewart, Evans, Yadawad, Lessard |
0.5 | Bird, Norman, Donahue, Krishnamoorthy, J Braceland Jr, G Braceland |
0 | Howell |
December 29 is Blitz Night at the Billerica Club. Either a single- or a double-round robin depending on how many show up.
December 1st, 2017

2017 Billerica December Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 1st, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
D G Bird | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | George Norman |
Mike Howell | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Sriram Krishnamoorthy |
John Braceland Jr | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | George Braceland |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica December Swiss, December 1st, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Vaughan, Pearson, Kelly, Johnson, Caruso, Stewart |
0.5 | Nugent, Bird |
0 | Evans, Norman, Howell, Yadawad, Lessard, Krishnamoorthy, G Braceland, J Braceland Jr |
November 24th, 2017
Tim Bromley tops Billerica by a point & a half!
Billerica November Swiss, November 24th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Art Nugent | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Joe Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 3 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica November Swiss, November 24th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Bromley |
2.5 | Paulson, Kelly |
2 | Evans, Baginski |
1.5 | Nugent, Pearson, Yerra |
1 | Caruso, Lessard |
0 | Babcock |
♔ 2017 Billerica November Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Tim Bromley |
2nd-3rd: | Ray Paulson, Joe Kelly |
Top U1700: | Paul Baginski |
We plan to have a 4-round tournament during the first 4 Fridays, followed by a Blitz Night on December 29.
November 10th, 2017

2017 Billerica November Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 10th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 0-1 | ♔Sai Sneha Yerra |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 5 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Jeff Caruso.
Billerica November Swiss, November 10th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Kelly |
1.5 | Yerra |
1 | Pearson, Paulson, Evans, Caruso, Baginski |
0.5 | Nugent |
0 | Babcock, Lessard |
November 3rd, 2017

2017 Billerica November Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 3rd, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | ♔Paul Baginski |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 5 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica November Swiss, November 3rd, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly, Baginski |
0.5 | Nugent, Caruso |
0 | Pearson, Evans, Babcock, Lessard |
October 27th, 2017
Billerica October Swiss, October 27th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
♔Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Roland Booker |
Bob Babcock | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ananth Rangan | 0-1 | ♔Sebastien Richert |
Total of 6 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica October Swiss, October 27th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley |
3 | Pearson, Paulson, Caruso |
2.5 | Baginski, Yadawad |
2 | Johnson, Evans |
1.5 | Nugent, Kelly, Vaughan, Booker, Yerra, Richert, Babcock, Lessard |
0.5 | Rangan A, Billmers, Howell, Rangan K, Duffy |
♔ 2017 Billerica October Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Tim Bromley |
2nd-4th: | Fred Pearson, Ray Paulson, Jeff Caruso |
Top U1600: | Ansh Yadawad |
October 20th, 2017

2017 Billerica October Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 20th, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Roland Booker | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
♔Paul Baginski | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Ananth Rangan | 0-1 | ♔Sai Sneha Yerra |
♔Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Total of 7 boards, 3 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 20th, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Caruso |
2.5 | Bromley, Baginski |
2 | Pearson, Paulson, Johnson, Evans |
1.5 | Kelly, Vaughan, Booker, Yerra, Yadawad |
1 | Nugent, Babcock |
0.5 | A Rangan, Billmers, Howell, Richert, K Rangan, Lessard, Duffy |
October 13th, 2017

2017 Billerica October Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 13th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Sebastien Richert | 0-1 | Roland Booker |
Brent Duffy | 0-1 | Paul Baginski |
Sai Sneha Yerra | 1/2-1/2 | Ansh Yadawad |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 8 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica October Swiss, October 13th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Johnson, Caruso |
1.5 | Bromley, Kelly, Vaughan, Evans, Booker, Baginski |
1 | Nugent, Pearson, Paulson, Babcock |
0.5 | Rangan A, Yerra, Billmers, Howell, Richert, Yadawad, Rangan K, Duffy |
0 | Lessard |
October 6th, 2017

2017 Billerica October Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 6th, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ananth Rangan |
Paul Baginski | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Sai Sneha Yerra |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Keshav Rangan | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica October Swiss, October 6th, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Pearson, Kelly, Paulson, Vaughan, Johnson, Caruso, Evans |
0.5 | Nugent, Baginski |
0 | A Rangan, Yerra, Billmers, Howell, Babcock, Yadawad, K Rangan, Lessard |
September 29th, 2017
Billerica September Swiss, September 29th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
Paul Baginski | 0-1 | Ananth Rangan |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | Ansh Yadawad |
Datta Kilari | 0-1 | David Stankard |
Rithika Kilari | 0-1 | Nate Smith |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Rithika Kilari, who lost to Nate Smith in a side game.
Billerica September Swiss, September 29th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Vaughan |
3 | Bromley, Pearson, Rangan A |
2.5 | Paulson, Yadawad |
2 | Nugent, Johnson, Stewart, Caruso, Rangan K |
1.5 | Baginski, Yerra, Stankard, Bramble |
1 | Lessard, Wu, Kilari D, Kilari R |
0.5 | Kolenski, Howell, Prieto |
0 | Wadden |
♔ 2017 Billerica September Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | ♔ John Vaughan |
Top U1600: | Ansh Yadawad |
September 15th, 2017

2017 Billerica September Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 15th, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Sai Sneha Yerra |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Robb Stewart |
Silverio Johnson | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Ananth Rangan | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Keshav Rangan | 1-0 | Datta Kilari |
Paul Baginski | 1-0 | Mark Kolenski |
Rithika Kilari | 0-1 | Dwight Bramble |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica September Swiss, September 15th, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Vaughan |
2.5 | Paulson |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, Pearson, Johnson, Stewart, Caruso, Rangan A, Rangan K |
1.5 | Baginski, Yerra, Yadawad, Bramble |
1 | Lessard, Wu, Kilari D |
0.5 | Kolenski, Howell, Stankard, Prieto |
0 | Wadden, Kilari R |
The Council on Aging is not available to us next week. So there is no chess on September 22. Round 4 will be on September 29.
September 8th, 2017

2017 Billerica September Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 8th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Silverio Johnson | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Robb Stewart | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Ananth Rangan |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
David Stankard | 0-1 | Sai Sneha Yerra |
♔ Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
Dwight Bramble | 0-1 | Keshav Rangan |
Rithika Kilari | 0-1 | Jacob Wu |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | ♔ Datta Kilari |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica September Swiss, September 8th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Pearson, Vaughan |
1.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, Johnson, Stewart, Yerra, Yadawad |
1 | Caruso, Rangan A, Rangan K, Wu, Kilari D |
0.5 | Baginski, Kolenski, Howell, Stankard, Bramble, Prieto |
0 | Wadden, Lessard, Kilari R |
September 1st, 2017

2017 Billerica September Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica September Swiss, September 1st, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Mark Kolenski |
Sai Sneha Yerra | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Evan Wadden |
Keshav Rangan | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Joe Prieto |
Datta Kilari | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Ananth Rangan | 1-0 | Rithika Kilari |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica September Swiss, September 1st, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Pearson, Vaughan, Johnson, Stewart, Caruso, Rangan A |
0.5 | Nugent, Yerra |
0 | Kolenski, Wadden, Rangan K, Lessard, Wu, Prieto, Kilari D, Kilari R |
August 25th, 2017
Billerica August Swiss, August 25th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
♔ Mike Howell | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Paul Baginski |
George Norman | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Moe Lessard | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Henry He | 1-0 | Sebastien Richert |
Stephen Savage | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Datta Kilari |
Joe Prieto | 1-0 | Rithika Kilari |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica August Swiss, August 25th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Kelly |
3 | Bromley, Paulson, Vaughan, Howell |
2.5 | Pearson, Johnson, Caruso |
2 | Evans, Kolenski, He |
1.5 | Nugent, Stewart, Norman, Baginski, Savage, Babcock, Prieto |
1 | Richert, Wadden, Lessard, Wu |
0.5 | Billmers, Bramble, D Kilari, R Kilari |
♔ 2017 Billerica August Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Joe Kelly |
Top U1600: | Mike Howell |
August 18th, 2017

2017 Billerica August Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Another good night for Black!
Billerica August Swiss, August 18th, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Sebastien Richert | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Evan Wadden | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | Mike Howell |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Stephen Savage | 0-1 | George Norman |
Dwight Bramble | 0-1 | Henry He |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica August Swiss, August 18th, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Kelly, Paulson |
2.5 | Caruso |
2 | Bromley, Vaughan, Evans, Howell |
1.5 | Nugent, Johnson, Stewart, Norman, Baginski, Pearson |
1 | He, Richert, Wadden, Lessard, Wu, Kolenski |
0.5 | Savage, Babcock, Bramble, Billmers |
August 11th, 2017

2017 Billerica August Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica August Swiss, August 11th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
JACOB WU | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
George Norman | 0-1 | Robert Stewart |
PAUL A BAGINSKI | 1-0 | Stephen Savage |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica August Swiss, August 11th, 2017
Points | Players |
1.5 | PEARSON, Johnson, Stewart, CARUSO |
August 4th, 2017

2017 Billerica August Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica August Swiss, August 4th, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye weas Jeff Caruso.
Billerica August Swiss, August 4th, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Pearson, Kelly, Vaughan, Evans, Howell, Wu |
0.5 | Kolenski, Nugent, Caruso |
0 | Baginski, Billmers, He, Richert, Babcock, Bramble, Wadden, Lessard |
July 28th, 2017
Billerica July Swiss, July 28th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Derek Zhao |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Gustavo Paulino | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Sebastien Richert | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
David Stankard | 1/2-1/2 | Evan Wadden |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | Meyer Billmers |
George Norman | 1-0 | Nagendra Natti |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica July Swiss, July 28th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley |
3 | Nugent, Kelly, Zhao, Vaughan, Johnson |
2.5 | Pearson, Paulson, Evans, Paulino |
2 | Caruso, Yerra, Savage, Howell, Richert, Yadawad |
1.5 | Norman, Campelli, Billmers, Babcock, Wadden, Stankard |
1 | Lessard, Wu |
0.5 | Xie, Sawdey, Donahue, B. Henroid, Bramble, Natti |
♔ 2017 Billerica July Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Tim Bromley |
Top U1600: | Gustavo Paulino |
July 21st, 2017
Billerica July Swiss, July 21st, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Joe Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Stephen Savage |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Evan Wadden | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Gustavo Paulino | 1-0 | Sebastien Richert |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Mike Howell |
Sai Yerra | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Dwight Bramble | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | David Stankard |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Kolenski.
Billerica July Swiss, July 21st, 2017
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Kelly, Pearson, Paulson, Zhao |
2 | Vaughan, Evans, Caruso, Johnson, Paulino, Savage, Howell |
1.5 | Yerra, Kolenski, Campelli, Babcock |
1 | Richert, Yadawad, Wadden, Stankard, Lessard, Wu |
0.5 | Xie, Sawdey, Norman, Donahue, Bramble, Natti |
0 | Henroid |
July 14th, 2017

2017 Billerica July Swiss
Round 2 of 4
28 Players Compete in Billerica
Billerica July Swiss, July 14th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Gustavo Paulino |
Evan Wadden | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Robert Sawdey |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | George Norman |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Sai Yerra |
Mark Kolenski | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
♔ Stephen Savage | 1-0 | David Xie |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Bryan Henroid |
David Stankard | 0-1 | Sebastien Richert |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Nagendra Natti |
Total of 14 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 14th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Nugent, Kelly, Paulson, Evans |
1.5 | Pearson, Zhao, Caruso, Campelli, Savage |
1 | Vaughan, Johnson, Paulino, Kolenski, Howell, Richert, Yadawad, Wadden, Lessard, Wu |
0.5 | Sawdey, Norman, Yerra, Donahue, Babcock, Bramble |
0 | Xie, Stankard, B. Henroid, Natti |
July 7th, 2017

2017 Billerica July Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 7th, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Dwight Bramble | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | David Stankard |
Sebastien Richert | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
David Xie | 0-1 | ♔ Gustavo Paulino |
Nagendra Natti | 1/2-1/2 | Evan Wadden |
Sai Yerra | 1/2-1/2 | Cris Campelli |
Bryan Henroid | 0-1 | ♔ Jacob Wu |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye wss Jeff Caruso.
Billerica July Swiss, July 7th, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Kelly, Paulson, Evans, Johnson, Paulino, Wu |
0.5 | Caruso, Yerra, Campelli, Wadden, Natti |
0 | Xie, Howell, Richert, Babcock, Yadawad, Stankard, Henroid, Bramble |
June 30th, 2017
Tim Bromley finishes first in five rounder
Billerica June Swiss, June 30th, 2017
Round 5 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | George Norman |
David Xie | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Milt Evans | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Sai Yerra | 0-1 | ♔ Ansh Yadawad |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Stephen Savage |
David Carlson | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
♔ Maurice Lessard | 1-0 | Evan Wadden |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Total of 12 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica June Swiss, June 30th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 5 Rounds |
Points | Players |
5 | Bromley |
4 | Zhao |
3.5 | Paulson, Pearson, Caruso |
3 | Kelly, Vaughan, Xie, Norman, Yadawad |
2.5 | Nugent, Evans, Stewart, Johnson, Donahue, Kolenski, Dey, Lai |
2 | Campelli, Lessard |
1.5 | Pillai, Holmgren, Yerra, Savage, Booker, Carlson, Howell, Babcock |
1 | Paulino, Wadden, Wu |
0.5 | Li, Stankard |
♔ 2017 Billerica June Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Tim Bromley |
2nd: | Derek Zhao |
Top U1600: | Ansh Yadawad |
June 23rd, 2017

2017 Billerica June Swiss
Round 4 of 5
Billerica June Swiss, June 23rd, 2017
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
George Norman | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Fred Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Robert Holmgren |
Stephen Savage | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Roland Booker |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | David Xie |
♔ Ranjan Dey | 1-0 | Gustavo Paulino |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Even Wadden | 0-1 | ♔ Isabella Lai |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | David Carlson |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | David Stankard |
Total of 13 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
♝ (Correction from an earlier round: Isabella Lai received a 1/2-point bye in the first round, not a 0 as originally reported).
Billerica June Swiss, June 23rd, 2017
Points | Players |
4 | Bromley |
3.5 | Paulson |
3 | Kelly, Zhao, Norman |
2.5 | Vaughan, Pearson, Caruso, Stewart, Johnson, Xie, Dey, Lai |
2 | Nugent, Evans, Yadawad |
1.5 | Pillai, Holmgren, Yerra, Savage, Booker, Donahue, Kolenski, Carlson, Howell |
1 | Campelli, Paulino, Wadden, Lessard, Wu |
0.5 | Li, Babcock, Stankard |
June 16th, 2017

2017 Billerica June Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica June Swiss, June 16th, 2017
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Milt Evans |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | ♔ George Norman |
David Xie | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Mark Kolenski | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Jim Donahue |
Roland Booker | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Gustavo Paulino | 1/2-1/2 | Ansh Yadawad |
♕ Isabella Lai | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Jacob Wu.
Billerica June Swiss, June 16th, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly |
2.5 | Norman |
2 | Evans, Zhao, Pearson, Stewart |
1.5 | Nugent, Vaughan, Caruso, Johnson, Xie, Pillai, Holmgren, Yerra, Savage, Booker, Donahue, Dey |
1 | Kolenski, Paulino, Yadawad, Wadden, Lessard, Lai, Wu |
0.5 | Carlson, Li, Howell, Babcock, Stankard |
0 | Campelli |
June 9th, 2017

2017 Billerica June Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Pairings for Round 2. Billerica Friday Night Swiss June 2017: Open
Bd Res White Res Black
1 0 Fred Pearson (1915) 1 Tim Bromley (2106)
2 0 Art Nugent (2000) 1 Robb Stewart (1898)
3 0 Silverio Johnson (1833) 1 Ray Paulson (1992)
4 1 Joe Kelly (1966) 0 David Xie (1799)
5 0 Natesh Pillai (1783) 1 Milt Evans (1928)
6 1 Derek Zhao (1917) 0 Sai Yerra (1663)
7 0 Mike Howell (1463) 1 John Vaughan (1944)
8 1 George Norman (1690) 0 Bob Babcock (1422)
9 1/2 Evan Wadden (1180) 1/2 Roland Booker (1624)
10 1 Stephen Savage (1624) 0 David Carlson (1527)
11 1/2 Jim Donahue (1599) 1/2 Gustavo Paulino (1446)
12 0 David Stankard (1097) 1 Mark Kolenski (1599)
13 0 Cris Campelli (1546) 1 Ranjan Dey (1256)
14 1 Bob Holmgren (1750) 0 Jacob Wu (386)
1/2 Jeff Caruso (1910) BYE
Moe also got a bye
June 2nd, 2017
Billerica June Swiss, June 2nd, 2017
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley (216) | 1-0 | Stephen Savage (1624) |
Roland Booker (1624) | 0-1 | Art Nugent (2000) |
Ray Paulson (1992) | 1-0 | Jim Donahue (1599) |
Mark Kolenski (1599) | 0-1 | Joe Kelly (1966) |
Milt Evans (1928) | 1-0 | Cris Campelli (1546) |
David Carlson (1527) | 0-1 | Derek Zhao (1917) |
Fred Pearson (1915) | 1-0 | Justin Li (1514) |
Gustavo Paulino (1446) | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso (191) |
Robb Stewart (1898) | 1-0 | Evan Wadden (1180) |
Ranjan Dey (1256) | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson (1833) |
David Xie (1799) | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard (986) |
Jacob Wu (386) | 0-1 | Natesh Pillai (1783) |
Sai Yerra (1663) | 1-0 | David Stankard (197) |
Total of 13 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica June Swiss, June 2nd, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Paulson, Kelly, Evans, Zhao, Pearson, Caruso, Stewart, Johnson, Xie, Pillai, Yerra |
0 | Savage, Booker, Donahue, Kolenski, Campelli, Carlson, Li, Paulino, Dey, Wadden, Lessard, Wu. Stankard |
May 26th, 2017
Billerica May Swiss, May 26th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
George Norman | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Gustavo Paulino | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Saan Tiruveedhula |
Arthur King | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Milt Evans |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Maru Tiruveedhula | 1-0 | Isabella Lai |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Meyer Billmers |
Stephen Savage | 0-1 | ♔ Ansh Yadawad |
Sriram Krishnamoorthy | 1/2-1/2 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica May Swiss, May 26th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Pearson |
3.5 | Johnson |
3 | Zhao |
2.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Vaughan, Evans, King, Holmgren, Norman, Paulino |
2 | Paulson, Babcock, M Tiruveedhula, S Tiruveedhula |
1.5 | Kelly, Howell, Yadawad |
1 | Caruso, Li, Campelli, Billmers, Dey, Lai, Krishnamoorthy, Wu |
0.5 | Donahue, Savage, Lessard |
♔ 2017 Billerica May Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Fred Pearson |
2nd: | Silverio Johnson |
3rd: | Derek Zhao |
♔ Congratulations to all!
May 19th, 2017

2017 Billerica May Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 19th, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Silverio Johnson | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Robert Holmgren |
Milt Evans | 0-1 | ♔Gustavo Paulino |
George Norman | 1-0 | Arthur King |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Maru Tiruveedhula |
Saan Tiruveedhula | 1-0 | Justin Li |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Ansh Yadawad | 1/2-1/2 | Bob Babcock |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Jacob Wu |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica May Swiss, May 19th, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Pearson |
2.5 | Holmgren, Norman, Johnson, Paulino |
2 | Bromley, Paulson, Nugent, Zhao, S Tiruveedhula |
1.5 | Kelly, Vaughan, Evans, King, Howell |
1 | Li, Campelli, Babcock, M Tiruveedhula, Dey, Lai, Wu |
0.5 | Caruso, Donahue, Billmers, Yadawad, Krishnamoorthy |
0 | Lessard |
May 12th, 2017

2017 Billerica May Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Silverio Strikes Again!
Hot on the heels of scoring a big upset just two weeks ago in the Billerica April Swiss, USCF class B rated Silverio Johnson, took aim once again & defeated class A competitor, Joe Kelly thereby allowing him to share the lead with two strong class A players, Fred Pearson & Derek Zhao. Silverio's 196 point upset was actually the smallest of three this Friday along with Derek Zhao & Gustavo Paulino, who defeated Tim Bromley & Jeff Caruso with upsets of 329 & 439 points respectively.
Billerica May Swiss, May 12th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
♔ Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | ♔ Silverio Johnson |
Arthur King | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
♔ Gustavo Paulino | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Robert Holmgren |
Isabella Lai | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Justin Li | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Ranjan Dey | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Maru Tiruveedhula | 1-0 | Sriram Krishanmoorthy |
Jacob Wu | 0-1 | Saan Tiruveedhula |
Total of 13 boards, 3 major upsets (♔). |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye was George Norman.
Billerica May Swiss, May 12th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Pearson, Zhao, Johnson |
1.5 | Nugent, Vaughan, Evans, King, Holmgren, Norman, Paulino |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly, Li, Campelli, M Tiruveedhula, S Tiruveedhula, Dey |
0.5 | Caruso, Donahue, Billmers, Babcock, Lai |
0 | Yadawad, Lessard, Krishnamoorthy, Wu |
May 5th, 2017

2017 Billerica May Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 5th, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Justin Li |
♔ Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Gustavo Paulino |
Ansh Yadawad | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Maru Tiruveedhula |
Saan Tiruveedhula | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Arthur King |
Robert Holmgren | 1/2-1/2 | Isabella Lai |
Sriram Krishnamoorthy | 0-1 | George Norman |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Jeff Caruso.
Billerica May Swiss, May 5th, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Kelly, Evans, Pearson, Zhao, King, Norman, Johnson, Campelli |
0.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Holmgren, Paulino, Lai |
0 | Paulson, Yadawad, M Tiruveedhula, S Tiruveedhula, Dey, Lessard, Krishnamoorthy, Wu, Li |
April 28th, 2017
Two Stunning Upsets Conclude Billerica April Swiss
2017 Billerica April Swiss finished with a bang as both Silverio Johnson
& Sai Yerra topped off their 3.5/4 performances with upsets of 224 & 549 points & over Jeff Caruso & Ray Paulson respectively. These results added 170 & 202 points to Silverio & Sai's USCF ratings respectively as well. Silverio has thus improved his standing from Class B to Class A, while Sai has movced up from Class C to Class B.
Billerica April Swiss, April 28th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | ♔ Silverio Johnson |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | ♔ Sai Yerra |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | Mark Kolenski |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | George Norman |
Maru Tiruveedhula | 1-0 | Sebastien Richert |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Gustavo Paulino |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Saan Tiruveedhula |
Ranjan Dey | 1-0 | David Stankard |
Jacob Wu | 1/2-1/2 | Sriram Krishnamoorthy |
Total of 11 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica April Swiss, April 28th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Johnson, Yerra |
3 | Bromley, Zhou, Stewart, Caruso |
2.5 | Norman, Kolenski, M Tiruveedhula |
2 | Paulson, Nugent, Vaughan, Pearson, Zhao, Holmgren, Paulino, S Teeruveedhula |
1.5 | Kelly, Donahue, Campelli, Billmers, Howell, Dey |
1 | Richert, Babcock, Yadawad, Lessard, Krishnamoorthy, Wu |
0.5 | Lai, Bramble, H Vedula, P Vedula, Stankard |
♔ 2017 Billerica April Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Silverio Johnson & Sai Yerra |
♔ Congratulations to all!
April 21st, 2017

2017 Billerica April Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 21st, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | ♔ Jeff Caruso |
David Zhou | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
♔ Sai Yerra | 1-0 | Joe Kelly |
♔ Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Sebastien Richert |
Gustavo Paulino | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Sann Tiruveedhula | 0-1 | Robert Holmgren |
Mark Kolenski | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
George Norman | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Isabella Lai |
David Stankard | 0-1 | Maru Tiruveedhula |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Total of 14 boards, 3 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica April Swiss, April 21st, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Zhou, Caruso |
2.5 | Johnson, Yerra |
2 | Bromley, Paulson, Nugent, Vaughan, Stewart, Zhao, Holmgren, Kolenski |
1.5 | Kelly, Pearson, Norman, Donahue, Cris Campelli, Billmers, Howell, M Tiruveedhula |
1 | Richert, Paulino, Babcock, S Tiruveedhula, Yadawad, Lessard |
0.5 | Dey, Lai, Bramble, H Vedula, P Vedula, Wu, Stankard |
April 14th, 2017

2017 Billerica April Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 14th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | David Zhou |
Joe Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Silverio Johnson |
Sebastien Richert | 1/2-1/2 | Saan Tiruveedhula |
Maru Tiruveedhula | 0-1 | Meyer Billmers |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | David Stankard |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Isabella Lai | 0-1 | Robert Holmgren |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Dwight Bramble |
Hrishi Vedula | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Pranavi Vedula | 0-1 | Gustavo Paulino |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Jacob Wu |
Total of 14 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica April Swiss, April 14th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Vaughan, Zhou, Caruso |
1.5 | Kelly, Pearson, Johnson, Yerra, Billmers, Howell |
1 | Paulson, Nugent, Stewart, Zhao, Holmgren, Donahue, Kolenski, Richert, Paulino, Babcock, S Tiruveedhula, Lessard |
0.5 | Norman, Campelli, M Tiruveedhula, Dey, Lai, H Vedula, P Vedula, Wu, Stankard |
0 | Yadawad, Bramble |
♙ The Billerica Chess Club welcomes:
Sebastien Richert from France, a new USCF member (FIDE 1450!) along with a flood of new players, mostly kids!
April 7th, 2017

2017 Billerica April Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 7th, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | George Norman |
♔Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
Mark Kolenski | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
David Zhou | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Gustavo Paulino | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Ranjan Dey | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Dwight Bramble | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Robert Holmgren | 0-1 | ♔Sai Yerra |
Total of 11 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica April Swiss, April 7th, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Johnson, Nugent, Vaughan, Zhou, Kelly, Pearson, Stewart, Zhao, Caruso, Yerra |
0.5 | ----- |
0 | Norman, Paulson, Donahue, Kolenski, Campelli, Paulino, Babcock, Dey, Yadawad, Bramble, Holmgren |
March 24th, 2017
Billerica March Swiss, March 24th, 2017
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Derek Zhao | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | David Zhou |
Ray Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | David Xie |
Robert Holmgren | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | David Stankard |
George Norman | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Sai Yerra |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Cris Campelli |
Doug Wiggins | 0-1 | Ansh Yadawad |
David Carlson | 1-0 | Hari Palaniyappan |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica March Swiss, March 24th, 2017
Points | Players |
3.5 | Kelly, Zhao, Zhou |
3 | Vaughan |
2.5 | Bromley, Paulson, Nugent, Caruso, Pearson, Xie, Holmgren |
2 | Stewart, Campelli, Dey, Yadawad |
1.5 | Norman, Stankard |
1 | Carlson, Yerra, Lessard |
0.5 | Donahue, Babcock, Wiggins, Furey, Krishnamoorthy, Palaniyappan, Burchardt |
March 17th, 2017

2017 Billerica March Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica March Swiss, March 17th, 2017
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
♔ Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Ranjan Dey |
George Norman | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | David Zhou |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
♔ Robert Holmgren | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
Ansh Yadawad | 0-1 | David Xie |
David Stankard | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
♔ Sai Yerra | 1-0 | David Carlson |
Total of 10 boards, 3 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica March Swiss, March 17th, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Kelly, Zhao, |
2.5 | Caruso, Zhou |
2 | Paulson, Nugent, Vaughan, Xie, Holmgren, Dey |
1.5 | Bromley, Pearson, Norman, Stankard |
1 | Stewart, campelli, Yerra, Lessard, Yadawad |
0.5 | Donahue, Babcock, Wiggins, Furey, Krishnamoorthy, Burchardt |
0 | Carlson |
March 10th, 2017

2017 Billerica March Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Billerica March Swiss, March 10th, 2017
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
David Zhou | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Robert Holmgren |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Jack Furey |
Sriram Krishnamoorthy | 0-1 | George Norman |
Ranjan Dey | 1-0 | Elmar Burchardt |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
David Xie | 1-0 | Doug Wiggins Jr. |
David Carlson | 0-1 | ♔Ansh Yadawad |
Sai Yerra | 0-1 | Cris Campelli |
Total of 12 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica March Swiss, March 10th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Kelly, Vaughan, Zhao |
1.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Caruso, Pearson, Zhou, Norman, Dey |
1 | Paulson, Stewart, Xie, Holmgren, Campelli, Lessard, Yadawad |
0.5 | Donahue, Furey, Krishnamoorthy, Burchardt, |
0 | Carlson, Babcock, Yerra, Wiggins |
March 3rd, 2017

2017 Billerica March Swiss
Round 1 of 5
Billerica March Swiss, March 3rd, 2017
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | David Xie |
♔ Robert Holmgren | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Doug Wiggins | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Sai Yerra |
Anch | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
David Zhou | 1-0 | David Carter |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica March Swiss, March 3rd, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Kelly, Vaughan, Zhao, Pearson, Zhou, Stewart, Holmgren, Lessard |
0 | Paulson, Xie, Donahue, Campelli, Babcock, Yerra, Yadawad, Carter, Wiggins |
February 24th, 2017
Tim Bromley takes top honors with perfect 4.0 score
Billerica February Swiss, February 24th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
David Zhou | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Ray Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Robert Holmgren |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | ♔ Sai Yerra |
Jim Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | ♖ Ansh Yadawad |
Total of 7 boards, 1 major upset (♔), 2 upset draws (♖). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica February Swiss, February 24th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Bromley |
3.5 | Zhou |
3 | Kelly |
2.5 | Vaughan |
2 | Paulson, Nugent, Caruso, Pearson, Holmgren, Kolenski, Yerra |
1.5 | Pillai, Dey, Yadawad |
1 | Donahue, Johnson, Campelli, Babcock, Lessard |
0.5 | Ray |
♔ 2017 Billerica February Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: ♔ | Tim Bromley |
2nd: | David Zhou |
Top U1600: | Mark Kolenski |
Top U1300: | Sai Yerra |
February 17th, 2017

2017 Billerica February Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 17th, 2017
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
♔ David Zhou | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Robert Holmgren | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Mark Kolenski | 1/2-1/2 | Sai Yerra |
Ansh Yadawad | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 8 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 17th, 2017
Points | Players |
3 | Bromley |
2.5 | Vaughan, Zhou |
2 | Nugent, Caruso, Kelly, Pearson |
1.5 | Paulson, Pillai, Holmgren, Dey |
1 | Johnson, Kolenski, Campelli, Babcock, Yerra, Yadawad |
0.5 | Donahue, Ray |
0 | Lessard |
February 3rd, 2017

2017 Billerica February Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 3rd, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Robert Holmgren | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Silverio Johnson |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | ♔ Bob Babcock |
Ranjan Dey | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Sai Sneha Yerra | 0-1 | David Zhou |
Natesh Pillai | 1-0 | Ansh Yadawad |
Total of 8 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica February Swiss, February 3rd, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Vaughan, Pearson, Zhou, Pillai Babcock |
0.5 | Nugent, Kelly, Johson, Dey |
0 | Caruso, Holmgren, Campelli, Lessard, Yerra, Yadawad |
January 27th, 2017
Tim Bromley finishes first in Billerica January Swiss
Billerica January Swiss, January 27th, 2017
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
♔ David Zhou | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | George Norman |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Sai Yerra |
Total of 7 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica January Swiss, January 27th, 2017
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley |
3 | Zhou, Zhao, |
2 | Paulson, Nugent, Pearson, Caruso, Norman, Johnson |
1.5 | Kelly, Vaughan, Godin, Ray, Kolenski, Yerra |
1 | Campelli, Sorel |
0.5 | Blaschke, , Babcock |
0 | Lessard |
♔ 2017 Billerica January Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Tim Bromley |
2nd-3rd: | Derek Zhao, David Zhou |
Top U1700: | Silverio Johnson, George Norman |
January 20th, 2017

2017 Billerica January Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica January Swiss, January 20th, 2017
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Derek Zhao | 1/2-1/2 | David Zhou |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Mark Kolenski | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Paul Godin | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Roland Sorel | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica January Swiss, January 20th, 2017
Points | Players |
2.5 | Bromley |
2 | Paulson, Nugent, Caruso, Zhou, Zhao |
1.5 | Kelly, Pearson, Vaughan, Godin, Ray, Norman |
1 | Johnson, Campelli, Sorel, |
0.5 | Blaschke, Kolenski, Babcock |
0 | Lessard |
January 13th, 2017

2017 Billerica January Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 13th, 2017
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | George Norman |
Bruce Blaschke | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Joe Ray | 1-0 | Mark Kolenski |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Roland Sorel |
Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica January Swiss, January 13th, 2017
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson |
1.5 | Bromley, Pearson, Zhao, Zhou, Ray |
1 | Nugent, Vaughan, Norman, Caruso, Johnson, Campelli |
0.5 | Blaschke, Kolenski, Babcock |
0 | Sorel, Lessard |
January 6th, 2017

2017 Billerica January Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 6th, 2017
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
George Norman | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Mark Kolenski | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
David Zhou | 1-0 | Roland Sorel |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica January Swiss, January 6th, 2017
Points | Players |
1 | Paulson, Vaughan, Caruso, Zhou, Zhao |
0.5 | Bromley, Nugent, Norman, Kolenski |
0 | Johnson, Campelli, Babcock, Sorel, Lessard |
December 30th, 2016
We played the "Happy New Year Blitz Night" at the Billerica Chess Club turned as a 14-game double round-robin tournament. Each player played once as White and once as Black against every other player.
1st place: Smith
2nd place: Bromley
3rd place: Vaughan
The players thought this was a lot of fun and a nice change of pace. Perhaps we'll do it again someday.
Next Friday is back to classical time controls (G/90; d5) for the first round of the January Swiss.
Four rounds on January 6, 13, 20 and 27.
A total of 8 players competed in the event, which was directed by Jeff Caruso of the Billerica Chess Club.
-Jeff Caruso
Results in crosstable form:
Event: Billerica Blitz 2016
Location: Billerica COA, Billerica, MA
Event Date(s): 2016-12-30
Chief TD: Jeff Caruso
Non Rated
Time Control: G/5 d0
Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
Pair | Player Name | Rating | Rnd | Rnd | Rnd | Rnd | Rnd | Rnd | Rnd | Rnd | Total | Place |
Num | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | |
1. | Tim Bromley | | X | 2 | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 10.5* | 2nd |
2. | Ray Paulson | | 0 | X | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7.0 | 4 |
3. | John Vaughan | | 1 | 1 | X | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 10.0* | 3rd |
4. | Milt Evans | | .5 | 0 | 1 | X | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 6.5 | 5 |
5. | Jeff Caruso | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | X | 0 | 2 | 1 | 3.0 | 7 |
6. | Nate Smith | | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | X | 2 | 2 | 12.0* | 1st |
7. | Mark Kolenski | | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | X | 0 | 1.0 | 8 |
8. | Silverio Johnson | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | X | 6.0 | 6 |
December 23rd, 2016
Ray Paulson Clear 1st by a Full Point in December Swiss
Billerica December Swiss, December 23rd, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | David Zhou |
Milt Evans | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 5 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica December Swiss, December 23rd, 2016
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
4 | Paulson |
3 | Bromley, Vaughan, Caruso, Zhou |
2.5 | Evans |
2 | Pearson, Kelly |
1.5 | Nugent, Donahue, Norman, Kolenski, Johnson |
1 | Blashke, Campelli, Sorel |
0.5 | Ray, Babcock, Cullen |
0 | Lessard |
♔ 2016 Billerica December Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Ray Paulson |
Next week (December 30) the Billerica Club will have a Blitz Night (G/5;d0, either a round-robin or Swiss depending on numbers).
The Billerica January Swiss will begin the following week, January 6.
December 16th, 2016

2016 Billerica December Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 16th, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Milt Evans |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Roland Sorel | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica December Swiss, December 16th, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Paulson, Caruso |
2 | Bromley, Pearson, Kelly, Vaughan, Zhou |
1.5 | Nugent, Evans, Donahue, Norman, Kolenski, Johnson |
1 | Blaschke, Campelli, Sorel |
0.5 | Ray, Babcock, Cullen |
0 | Lessard |
December 9th, 2016

2016 Billerica December Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 9th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | ♔ Jeff Caruso |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
H. Milton Evans | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
David Zhou | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Bruce Blaschke | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Roland Sorel |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | George Norman |
Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 9th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, Pearson, Caruso |
1.5 | Vaughan, Zhou, Donahue |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Kelly, Evans, Norman, Johnson, Blaschke, Campelli |
0.5 | Ray, Kolenski, Babcock |
0 | Sorel, Lessard, Cullen |
December 2nd, 2016

2016 Billerica December Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 2nd, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Ray | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Jim Donahue |
George Norman | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Mark Kolenski |
♔ Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Joe Kelly |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Roland Sorel | 0-1 | H. Milton Evans |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | David Zhou |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica December Swiss, December 2nd, 2016
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Pearson, Vaughan, Evans, Caruso, Zhou, Johnson |
0.5 | Nugent, Donahue |
0 | Kelly, Ray, Norman, Kolenski, Campelli, Sorel, Lessard, Cullen |
November 25th, 2016
Billerica November Swiss, November 25th, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Derek Zhao | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Jack Appelmans.
Billerica November Swiss, November 25th, 2016
FINAL STANDINGS After 4 Rounds |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Paulson, Kelly |
3 | Bromley |
2.5 | Nugent, Vaughan, Caruso, Pearson, Zhao, Stewart |
2 | Zhou, Donahue, Campelli |
1.5 | Xie, Blaschke, Kolenski, Johnson, Billmers, Appelmans, Lessard, Cullen |
1 | Paulino, He |
0.5 | Staten, Babcock, Krishnamoorthy, Jarmale, Patel |
♔ 2016 Billerica November Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Ray Paulson & Joe Kelly |
November 18th, 2016

2016 Billerica November Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 18th, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Joe Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Fred Pearson |
George Norman | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschkey |
David Xie | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
David Zhou | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Gustavo Paulino | 0-1 | Jim Donahue |
Henry He | 0-1 | Meyer Billmers |
Ernie Culen | 1-0 | Jack Appelmans |
Shashank Jarmale | 0-1 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets. |
November 11th, 2016

2016 Billerica November Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 11th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | David Zhou |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | David Xie |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Henry He | 0-1 | George Norman |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | Shashank Jarmale |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Alec Patel | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Gustavo Paulino.
Billerica November Swiss, November 11th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Kelly, Vaughan, Caruso, Pearson |
1.5 | Paulson, Norman, Blaschke |
1 | Nugent, Zhao, Stewart, Zhou, Donahue, Xie, Kolenski, Campelli, Paulino, He |
0.5 | Billmers, Johnson, Babcock, Appelmans, Cullen, Krishnamoorthy, Lessard, Jarmale |
0 | Staten, Patel |
November 4th, 2016

2016 Billerica November Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 4th, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Mark Kolenski | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
♔ Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Gustavo Paulino |
Jack Appelmans | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Derek Zhao | 0-1 | ♔ Henry He |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
David Zhou | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Sriram Krishnamoorthy | 0-1 | Jim Donahue |
David Xie | 1-0 | Alec Patel |
Total of 12 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica November Swiss, November 4th, 2016
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Campelli, Kelly, Vaughan, Caruso, Pearson, He, Stewart, Zhou, Donahue, Xie |
0 | Kolenski, Staten, Nugent, Johnson, Billmers, Paulino, Appelmans, Zhao, Lessard, Cullen, Krishnamoorthy, Patel0 Alec
Patel |
October 28th, 2016
Derek Zhao Takes Clear 1st Place with Upset Win
Billerica October Swiss, October 28th, 2016
Round 5 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
♔Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
George Norman | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Jim Donahue |
David Xie | 1/2-1/2 | Gustavo Paulino |
Ritvik Pulya | 0-1 | Henry He |
Alan Barclay | 0-1 | Maurice Lessard |
John Paul Tilley | 1-0 | Alec Patel |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 28th, 2016
Points | Players |
4 | Zhao |
3.5 | Bromley, Vaughan, Pearson |
3 | Zhou, Johnson |
2.5 | Paulson, Nugent, Caruso, Donahue, He |
2 | Stewart, Arond, Norman, Kolenski, Xie, Campelli, Babcock, Paulino, Lessard |
1.5 | Kelly, Billmers, Pulya, Bramble, Tilley |
0.5 | Kancharla, Barclay, Guo, Lane, Patel |
0 | Staten |
♔ 2016 Billerica October Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Derek Zhao |
2nd-4th: | Tim Bromley, Jonh Vaughan, Fred Pearson |
Top U1600: | Henry He |
October 21st, 2016

2016 Billerica October Swiss
Round 4 of 5
Billerica October Swiss, October 21st, 2016
Round 4 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | David Zhou |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Ray Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | David Xie |
Mark Kolenski | 1/2-1/2 | Cris Campelli |
Dwight Bramble | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Henry He | 1-0 | Carrie Guo |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Paul Staten, who beat Silverio Johnson in a side game.
Billerica October Swiss, October 21st, 2016
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley |
3 | Zhao, Zhou |
2.5 | Paulson, Nugent, Vaughan, Pearson, Caruso |
2 | Stewart, Arond, Norman, Kolenski, Campelli, Babcock |
1.5 | Kelly, Donahue, Xie, Billmers, Paulino, He, Pulya, Bramble |
1 | Staten, Johnson, Lessard |
0.5 | Kancharla, Tilley, Lane, Guo, Patel |
October 14th, 2016

2016 Billerica October Swiss
Round 3 of 5
Billerica October Swiss, October 14th, 2016
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | George Norman |
David Zhou | 1-0 | Joe Kelly |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Dwight Bramble |
Paul Arond | 1/2-1/2 | Jim Donahue |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Gustavo Paulino |
John Paul Tilley | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1/2-1/2 | Bob Babcock |
Meghana Kancharla | 0-1 | Mark Kolenski |
David Xie | 1-0 | Henry He |
Alec Patel | 0-1 | Meyer Billmers |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | ♔ Ritvik Pulya |
Carrie Guo | 0-1 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 14 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 14th, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Bromley |
2.5 | Caruso, Zhou |
2 | Paulson, Nugent, Zhao, Norman |
1.5 | Kelly, Vaughan, Pearson, Arond, Kolenski, Donahue, Xie, Billmers, Campelli, Pulya, Bramble |
1 | Steward, Johnson, Babcock, Paulino, Lessard |
0.5 | Kancharla, He, Tilley, Patel |
0 | Staten, Guo |
October 8th, 2016

2016 Billerica October Swiss
Round 2 of 5
Billerica October Swiss, October 8th, 2016
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Paul Arond |
Derek Zhao | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | David Xie |
♔Cris Campelli | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Henry He | 0-1 | David Zhou |
George Norman | 1-0 | John Paul Tilley |
♔Dwight Bramble | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Gustavo Paulino | 1-0 | Carrie Guo |
Total of 10 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica October Swiss, October 8th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Paulson |
1.5 | Nugent, Zhou, Kelly, Caruso, Norman, Campelli, Bramble |
1 | Zhao, Arond, Donahue, Paulino |
0.5 | Vaughan, Xie, Johnson, Tilley, Patel, He, Guo |
0 | Staten, Lessard |
September 30th, 2016

2016 Billerica October Swiss
Round 1 of 5
The Billerica Chess Club is back in business, after a few weeks of the Council on Aging building being closed.
September 30 was the first round of the Billerica October Swiss 2016,
[Rounds 2 through 5 will be played on October 7, 14, 21, & 28.] with the following results:
Billerica October Swiss, September 30th, 2016
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
Silverio Johnson | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Gustavo Paulino |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Alec Patel |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Jeff Caruso.
Billerica September Swiss, September 30th, 2016
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly, Zhao, Arond |
0.5 | Nugent, Johnson, Caruso |
0 | Staten, Donahue, Paulino, Lessard, Patel |
There was a power failure in Billerica Center Friday night, September 9th,
but National Grid estimated that the work would be done by 8:00, so we stuck around.
Then they updated it to 10:00 and I decided to call it a night.
No games the next two weeks (September 16 and 23) so I will decide in the next few days what to do about September 30.
(I think we'll fold it into the October tournament and make that a 5-rounder, but I need to consult with Art. I will let you know soon.)
September 2nd, 2016
Billerica September Swiss, September 2nd, 2016
Round 1 of 1 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Bruce Blaschke | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Jim Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | David Xie |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Paul Godin | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Dwight Bramble |
Shashank Jarmale | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Ananth Rangan | 1-0 | Sriram Krishamoorthy |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica September Swiss, September 2nd, 2016
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly, Vaughan, Godin, Caruso, Stewart, Zhao, Rangan |
0.5 | Nugent, Donahue |
0 | Blaschke, Staten, Xie, Johnson, Howell, Lessard, Bramble, Jarmale, Krishnamoorthy |
August 26th, 2016
Woody Wink Memorial, August 26th, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Derek Zhao | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Chris Cioffi |
Stephen Savage | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Bill Burke | 1/2-1/2 | David Xie |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Paul Elliot |
Evan Wadden | 1-0 | Dwight Bramble |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Woody Wink Memorial, August 26th, 2016
Points | Players |
3.5 | Caruso |
3 | Bromley, Paulson, Vaughan, Kelly, Nugent |
2.5 | Pearson, Zhao |
2 | Cioffi, Johnson, Staten, Xie |
1.5 | Wadden, Elliot, Relyea, Savage, Burke, Howell, Patel |
1 | Steward, Lessard, Dey, Donahue |
0.5 | Bramble, Billmers, Babcock |
0 | Krishnamoorthy |
♔ 2016 Woody Wink Memorial PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Jeff Caruso |
♔ September Schedule: ♗
The Billerica Chess Club will be OPEN September 2nd, 9th, & 30th.
The Billerica Chess Club will be CLOSED September 16th & 23rd.
New rug to be put down.
No dues for September 2016
August 19th, 2016

2016 Woody Wink Memorial
Round 3 of 4
Woody Wink Memorial, August 19th, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
♔ Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Chris Cioffi | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Paul Elliot | 0-1 | Alex Relyea |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
David Xie | 1-0 | Evan Wadden |
Sriram Krishnamoorthy | 0-1 | Nita Patel |
Total of 11 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Bill Burke.
♖ EXTRA GAME: Paul Staten 0-1 Bill Burke.
Woody Wink Memorial, August 19th, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Bromley, Caruso |
2.5 | Nugent, Zhao |
2 | Paulson, Vaughan, Kelly, Staten |
1.5 | Pearson, Relyea, Savage, Xie, Howell, Patel |
1 | Stewart, Johnson, Lessard, Dey, Burke, Donahue |
0.5 | Wadden, Billmers, Elliot, Babcock, Bramble |
0 | Krishnamoorthy |
♔ September Schedule: ♗
The Billerica Chess Club will be OPEN September 2nd, 9th, & 30th.
The Billerica Chess Club will be CLOSED September 16th & 23rd.
New rug to be put down.
No dues for September 2016
August 12th, 2016

2016 Woody Wink Memorial Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Woody Wink Memorial Swiss, August 12th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Joe Kelly |
Robb Stewart | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Bill Burke |
Chris Cioffi | 1-0 | Sriram Krishanmoorthy |
Evan Wadden | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Elliot |
Total of 8 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Receiving half-point byes were Stephen Savage, Robert Babcock, Fred Pearson, Jim Donahue, Derek Zhao,
David Xie, Dwight Bramble.
♜ Receiving full-point byes were Ranjan Dey.
Woody Wink Memorial Swiss, August 12th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Paulson, Vaughan, Caruso |
1.5 | Nugent, Pearson, Zhao, Savage |
1 | Kelly, Staten, Cioffi, Stewart, Johnson, Dey, Lessard, Donahue |
0.5 | Xie, Elliot, Babcock, Howell, Wadden, Bramble |
0 | Burke, Krishnamoorthy |
August 5th, 2016

2016 Woody Wink Memorial Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Woody Wink Memorial Swiss, August 5th, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Bill Burke | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Chris Cioffi |
Jim Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | David Xie |
Paul Elliot | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Evan Wadden |
Ranjan Dey | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Dwight Bramble |
Sriram Krishnamoorthy | 0-1 | Stephen Savage |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Woody Wink Memorial Swiss, August 5th, 2016
Points | Players |
1.0 | Bromley, Paulson, Vaughan, Caruso, Kelly, Pearson, Stewart, Zhao, Staten, Savage, Lessard |
0.5 | Nugent, Donahue |
0.0 | Burke, Cioffi, Xie, Elliot, Babcock, Johnson, Wadden, Dey, Bramble, Krishnamoorthy |
♖ ♝ ♗ ♞ ♘ ♟ The Billerica Chess Club welcomes several new players including:
Chris Cioffi, Paul Elliot, Evan Wadden, Ranjan Dey, Dwight Bramble, & Stephen Savage.
♔ Woody Wink's son Joe (not playing) accepted a commemoration in Woody's honor.
August 1st, 2016

2016 Billerica August Swiss to Memorialize "Woody" Wink
Woody Wink Memorial Tournament
Billerica Chess Club
August 2016
Long-time Billerica Chess Club member Ellwood J. "Woody" Wink, died September 4, 2009 at the age of 74. Woody was a driving force at the club since it started in the 1960s, and organized a number of outside tournaments, including the first Billerica Open.
He also ran the club and was instrumental in moving us to our present quarters at the Council on Aging. He was a vice-president of the Massachusetts Chess Association and served on the Executive Board multiple times.
This tournament commemorates a competitive and much-loved organizer and player.
July 29th, 2016
Billerica July Swiss, July 29th, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 0-1 | Michael Henroid |
BIll Burke | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
George Norman | 1/2-1/2 | David Xie |
♔ Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Meghana Kancharla | 0-1 | Paul Staten |
Richard Chen | 0-1 | Jack Appelmans |
Maurice Lessard | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Ranjan Dey | 1-0 | Evan Wadden |
Total of 10 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 29th, 2016
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley, Henroid |
2.5 | Paulson, Kelly, Burke, Pearson, Jonhson, Nugent, Staten, Xie, Norman |
2 | Rangan, Appelmans |
1.5 | Caruso, Babcock, Kancharla, Vaughan, Solorzano, Blaschke, Donahue, Lessard, Dey |
1 | Chen, Cullen, Bramble |
0.5 | Tholkappian, Sullivan |
0 | Wadden |
♔ 2016 Billerica July Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Tim Bromley & Mike Henroid |
Top U1500: | David Xie & Silverio Johnson |
July 22nd, 2016

2016 Billerica July Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica July Swiss, July 22nd, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ananth Rangan |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | George Norman |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Michael Henroid |
Paul Staten | 1/2-1/2 | Silverio Johnson |
David Xie | 1-0 | Richard Chen |
Jack Appelmans | 0-1 | Bill Burke |
Dwight Bramble | 0-1 | Bruce Blaschke |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Meghana Kancharla |
Evan Wadden | 0-1 | Ernie Cullen |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets. |
July 15th, 2016

2016 Billerica July Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Ananth Rangan Leads Billerica July Swiss After 2 Rounds
As a result of his 281 point upset win over Jeff Caruso combined with three draws at boards 1, 2, & 3, Class B rated, Ananth Rangan, has jumped out in front as the sole leader after two rounds of play in the Billerica July Swiss. Of the ten players following Rangan with a piont & a half each, seven are USCF rated Experts or Class A players, so with two more rounds to go, there is still a chance someone may catch Ananth. However each win, will move him closer to unstoppable.
Billerica July Swiss, July 15th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results, including byes |
White | Result | Black |
Michael Henroid | 1/2-1/2 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | John Vaughan |
Joe Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Fred Pearson |
♔ Ananth Rangan | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Richard Chen | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Bruce Blaschke | 0-1 | ♔ Bob Babcock |
David Xie | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Staten |
George Norman | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Ranjan Dey | 0-1 | Jim Donahue |
Bill Burke | 1-0 | Minnoli Tholkappian |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Evan Wadden | 0-1 | Jack Appelmans |
Total of 12 boards, 2 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica July Swiss, July 15th, 2016
Points | Players |
2.0 | A. Rangan |
1.5 | Pearson, Bromley, Paulson, Nugent, Kelly, Henroid, Vaughan, Babcock, Solorzano, Norman |
1.0 | Caruso, Donahue, Chen, Burke, Johnson, Appelmans, Staten, Xie, Bramble |
0.5 | Kancharla, Lessard, Blaschke, Sullivan |
0.0 | Tholkappian, Dey, Cullen, Wadden |
July 8th, 2016

2016 Billerica July Swiss
Round 1 of 5
Billerica July Swiss, July 8th, 2016
Round 1 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Bill Burke |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | David Xie |
Jack Appelmans | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Meghana Kancharla |
Minnolli Tholkappian | 0-1 | Michael Henroid |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Ranjan Dey |
Ernest Cullen | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Paul Staten | 1/2-1/2 | Dwight Bramble |
Matthew Sullivan | 0-1 | Ananth Rangan |
James Donahue | 0-1 | Jose Solorzano |
Evan Wadden | 0-1 | Richard Chen |
Total of 12 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica July Swiss, July 8th, 2016
Points | Players |
1.0 | Paulson, Kelly Henroid, Pearson, Rangan, Chen, Solorzano, Bromley, Caruso, Vaughan |
0.5 | Xie, Bramble, Nugent, Staten |
0.0 | Burke, Kancharla, Dey, Donahue, Johnson, Appelmans, Tholkappian, Cullen, Sullivan, Wadden |
♙ Large turnout, several new faces. Technically no major upsets, though unrated Solorzano's win against Donahue (1550) is notable.
♔ ♚ Paulson & Bromley Take Top Honors in Billerica June Swiss
July 1st, 2016
Billerica June Swiss, July 1st, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
George Norman | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Bill Burke |
David Xie | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Evan Wadden |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Meghana Kancharla |
♔ Richard Chen | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Jack Appelmans |
Total of 9 boards, 1 major upset (♔). |
Billerica June Swiss, July 1st, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Paulson, Bromley |
2.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Stewart, Staten, Vaughan, Pearson, Xie |
2 | Gaciu, Zhao, Johnson |
1.5 | Burke, Appelmans, Ray, A. Rangan, K. Rangan, Kelly, Norman, Chen |
1 | Babcock, Kancharla, Campelli, Wadden |
0.5 | Blaschke, Kolenski, Tholkappian |
0 | Lessard |
♔ 2016 Billerica July Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Ray Paulson & Tim Bromley |
NOTE: The July tournament will be a 4-rounder with play occurring on July 8, 15, 22 and 29.
June 17th, 2016
Billerica June Swiss, June 17th, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | David Xie |
Bill Burke | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Evan Wadden |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Vlad Gaciu |
Keshav Rangan | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Staten |
Minnoli Tholkappian | 0-1 | Joe Ray |
Ananth Rangan | 1-0 | Mark Kolenski |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Jack Appelmans |
Meghana Kancharla | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets. |
NOTE: Round 4 of the June Swiss played on July 1 instead of June 24 due to unavailability of the venue.
June 10th, 2016

2016 Billerica June Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica June Swiss, June 10th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | ♔ Fred Pearson |
Cris Campelli | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | ♔ Derek Zhao |
Robb Stewart | 1/2-1/2 | Bill Burke |
Evan Wadden | 1/2-1/2 | Keshav Rangan |
♔ David Xie | 1-0 | Ananth Rangan |
Jack Appelmans | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Vlad Gaciu | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Meghana Kancharla |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 10 boards, 3 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica June Swiss, June 10th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, Pearson, Zhao |
1.5 | Stewart, Burke, Vaughan, Norman, Xie |
1 | Bromley, Caruso, Gaciu, Staten, Campelli, Nugent, Babcock, K. Rangan, Wadden |
0.5 | Kelly, A. Rangan, Tholkappian, Kolenski, Appelmans |
0 | Johnson, Kancharla, Lessard |
June 3rd, 2016

2016 Billerica June Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica June Swiss, June 3rd, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Mark Kolenski | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
♔ George Norman | 1-0 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 0-1 | ♔ Cris Campelli |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Meghana Kancharla | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
♔ Bill Burke | 1-0 | Vlad Gaciu |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Minnoli Tholkappian |
Total of 10 boards, 3 major upsets (♔). |
Billerica June Swiss, June 3rd, 2016
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Caruso, Vaughan, Stewart, Pearson, Zhao, Norman, Burke, Campelli, |
0 | Kelly, Nugent, Gaciu, Kolenski, Staten, Babcock, Johnson, Kancharla, Lessard, Tholkappian |
May 27th, 2016
♔ ♚ Two Tie at Top in Billerica May Swiss
Aashish Welling and Jeff Caruso finished in a 3.5/4 deadlock in the Billerica May Swiss tournament which completed on Friday May 27. USCF rated expert & Current NH State Co-Champ, Aashish Welling, led the tournamnet along with Jeff Caruso until their last round pairing with each other which ended in a draw. While not technically a major upset, the game represented a fine effort on the part of Jeff Caruso, who was a 122 point underdog coming into the game.
Billerica May Swiss, May 27th, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Aashish Welling | 1/2-1/2 | Jeff Caruso |
Eric Feng | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | Bill Burke |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Kevin Zhu | 0-1 | Derek Zhao |
Joe Ray | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
George Norman | 1/2-1/2 | Mark Kolenski |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Receiving a half-point bye was Ernest Cullen.
Billerica May Swiss, May 27th, 2016
Points | Players |
3.5 | Welling, Caruso |
3 | Bromley, Vaughan |
2.5 | Staten, Nugent, Paulson, Feng, Blaschke |
2 | Pearson, Ray, Zhao |
1.5 | Burke, Campelli, Kelly, Gaciu, Babcock, Appelmans, Johnson |
1 | Tholkappian, Zhu, Cullen, Billmers, Kolenski, Norman |
0.5 | Donahue |
0 | Lessard |
♔ 2016 Billerica May Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Aashish Welling & Jeff Caruso |
May 20th, 2016

2016 Billerica May Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 20th, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | Aashish Welling |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Staten |
Derek Zhao | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Joe Ray |
Bill Burke | 1/2-1/2 | Meyer Billmers |
Cris Campelli | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Kevin Zhu |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | Minnoli Tholkappian |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Receiving half-point byes were Ray Paulson, Eric Feng, and others.
Billerica May Swiss, May 20th, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Welling, Caruso |
2.5 | Paulson, Feng |
2 | Pearson, Bromley, Vaughan |
1.5 | Staten, Kelly, Nugent, Gaciu, Blaschke, Babcock, Campelli, Burke, Appelmans |
1 | Ray, Tholkappian, Zhao, Zhu, Billmers |
0.5 | Donahue, Norman, Johnson, Kolenski |
0 | Lessard, Cullen |
May 13th, 2016

2016 Billerica May Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 13th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Aashish Welling | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Joe Kelly |
Eric Feng | 1-0 | Derek Zhao |
Jack Appelmans | 0-1 | Vlad Gaciu |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | George Norman |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | Joe Ray |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Bill Burke | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Minnoli Tholkappian | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 11 boards, some wild games tonight but no major upsets. |
Billerica May Swiss, May 13th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, Bromley, Welling, Feng, Caruso |
1.5 | Gaciu, Blaschke |
1 | Kelly, Nugent, Pearson, Vaughan, Zhao, Ray, Staten, Appelmans, Burke, Babcock |
0.5 | Donahue, Norman, Campelli, Kolenski, Billmers, Johnson |
0 | Lessard, Cullen, Tholkappian |
May 6th, 2016

2016 Billerica May Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica May Swiss, May 6th, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Ray | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Mark Kolenski | 0-1 | Aashish Welling |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | Eric Feng |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Bill Burke |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Cris Campelli |
Mo Lessard | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Derek Zhao | 1-0 | Minnoli Tholkappian |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | Jack Appelmans |
Total of 11 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica May Swiss, May 6th, 2016
Points | Players |
1 | Paulson, Bromley, Welling, Kelly, Feng, Nugent, Pearson, Vaughan, Caruso, Zhao, Appelmans |
0.5 | ----- |
0 | Ray, Staten, Kolenski, Donahue, Billmers, Burke, Babcock, Campelli, Lessard, Tholkappian, Cullen |
April 29th, 2016
♔ ♚ Two Top Experts Top Billerica April Swiss
USCF rated experts & the two highest rated competitors in the tournament, Ray Paulson & Tim Bromley each scored 3.5-0.5 in undefeated performances to tie for first place in the Billerica April Swiss that ended Friday night, April 29, at the Billerica Chess Club. Ray's lone draw was against fellow Wachusett CC member Paul Godin of Bedford, while Tim won three games & took a bye in round two.
Billerica April Swiss, April 29th, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | George Norman |
Jack Appelmans | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | Jim Taggart |
Paul Staten | 1/2-1/2 | Meyer Billmers |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Minnoli Tholkappian |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Ernie Cullen |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica April Swiss, April 29th, 2016
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley, Paulson |
3 | Caruso |
2.5 | Nugent |
2 | Blaschke, Norman, Kelly, Pearson, Appelmans |
1.5 | Godin, Taggard, Staten, Cullen, Stewart, Smith, Ray, Johnson, Babcock |
1 | Hamel, Billmers, Donahue |
0.5 | Tholkappian, Howell |
0 | Lessard |
♔ 2016 Billerica April Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Tim Bromley & Ray Paulson |
3rd: | Jeff Caruso |
April 22nd, 2016

2016 Billerica April Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 22nd, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Paul Godin |
Nate Smith | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
George Norman | 1-0 | Dan Hamel |
Jack Appelmans | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Minnoli Tholkappian | 0-1 | Bruce Blaschke |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Staten |
Total of 8 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica April Swiss, April 22nd, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Caruso |
2.5 | Paulson, Bromley |
2 | Kelly, Pearson, Norman, Appelmans |
1.5 | Godin, Stewart, Smith, Taggart, Ray, Johnson, Nugent |
1 | Blaschke, Staten, Hamel, Donahue |
0.5 | Babcock, Cullen, Billmers, Howell, Tholkappian |
0 | Lessard |
April 15th, 2016

2016 Billerica April Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 15th, 2016
Round 2 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul Godin | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
James Taggart | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | Nate Smith |
Jim Donahue | 1/2-1/2 | Jack Appelmans |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Bruce Blaschke | 0-1 | Joe Ray |
George Norman | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Dan Hamel | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Receiving half-point byes were Tim Bromley and others.
♖ Tim Bromley showed up apparently too late to be paired, but not too late to play a side game with Nate Smith, who stopped by & finished his regular game rather early. Tim won with the black pieces.
Billerica April Swiss, April 15th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Pearson, Caruso |
1.5 | Bromley, Paulson, Godin, Stewart, Smith, Nugent, Johnson |
1 | Kelly, Taggart, Ray, Hamel, Norman, Appelmans, Donahue |
0.5 | Billmers, Howell, Cullen |
0 | Lessard, Blaschke, Staten, Babcock |
April 08th, 2016

2016 Billerica April Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica April Swiss, April 8th, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Ray | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Dan Hamel |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Paul Godin |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | George Norman |
Mike Howell | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | James Taggart |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica April Swiss, April 8th, 2016
Points | Players |
1 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly, Nugent, Godin, Pearson, Stewart, Caruso, Taggart |
0.5 | ---- |
0 | Ray, Blaschke, Staten, Hamel, Babcock, Norman, Howell, Lessard, Cullen |
April 1st, 2016
♔ Paulson Produces Peak Performance in March Swiss
USCF rated expert, Ray Paulson took clear first place in the Billerica March Swiss which ended with this Friday's round 4 games. Ray's Candidate Master norm performance raises his USCF rating to a new all time high of 2080. Congratulations, Ray!
Billerica March Swiss, April 1st, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
James Taggart | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
George Norman | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Paul Staten | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Dan Hamel |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Ananth Rangan |
Joe Ray | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets. |
♜ Receiving full-point bye was Paul Godin.
Billerica March Swiss, April 1st, 2016
Points | Players |
4 | Paulson |
3 | Bromley, Kelly, Stewart, Caruso |
2.5 | Pearson, Godin, Norman |
2 | Vaughan, Donahue |
1.5 | Nugent, Babcock, Cesolini, Taggart, Rangan, Staten, Ray, Howell |
1 | Hamel, Lessard |
0.5 | Billmers, Johnson, Cullen |
♔ 2016 Billerica March Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Ray Paulson |
2nd-5th: | Tim Bromley, Joe Kelly, Robb Stewart, Jeff Caruso |
Top U1600: | George Norman |
March 24th, 2016

2016 Billerica March Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica March Swiss, March 24th, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Robb Stewart |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
Mo Lessard | 0-1 | Jim Taggart |
Meyer Billmers | 0-1 | George Norman |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | Dan Hamel |
Total of 9 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Paul Godin received a 1/2-point bye.
Billerica March Swiss, March 24th, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Kelly, Paulson |
2.5 | Pearson |
2 | Stewart, Bromley, Vaughan, Caruso |
1.5 | Cesolini, Godin, Taggart, Babcock, Norman |
1 | Donahue, Nugent, Staten, Hamel, Lessard |
0.5 | Billmers, Johnson, Cullen, A. Rangan |
March 18th, 2016

2016 Billerica March Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica March Swiss, March 18th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Paul Godin | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Dan Hamel | 0-1 | Paul Staten |
Total of 6 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Receiving half-point byes were Tony Cesolini, Fred Pearson, Meyer Billmers, Bob Babcock,
Silverio Johnson, Ananth Rangan, George Norman, & Ernie Cullen.
Billerica March Swiss, March 18th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Paulson, Kelly, Vaughan, Stewart |
1.5 | Cesolini, Pearson |
1 | Bromley, Nugent, Godin, Caruso, Donahue, Staten, Lessard |
0.5 | Billmers, Babcock, Johnson, A. Rangan, Norman, Cullen |
0 | Hamel |
March 11th, 2016

2016 Billerica March Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica March Swiss, March 11th, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ananth Rangan | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | Tony Cesolini |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Dan Hamel | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
George Norman | 0-1 | Paul Godin |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | Robb Stewart |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Tom Kane |
Total of 10 boards, no major upsets. |
♝ Maurice Lessard received a half-point bye.
Billerica March Swiss, March 11th, 2016
Points | Players |
1.0 | Bromley Paulson, Cesolini, Pearson, Kelly, Nugent, Godin, Vaughan, Stewart, Caruso |
0.5 | Leassard |
0.0 | Rangan, Donahue, Staten, Billmers, Hamel, Babcock, Norman, Johnson, Cullen, Kane |
♘ There will be three more rounds in this tournament: March 18, March 25 and April 1.
March 4th, 2016
Billerica February Swiss, March 4th, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ray Paulson |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | James Taggart |
Robb Stewart | 1-0 | Jim Donahue |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | Dan Hamel |
Bob Babcock | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Total of 7 boards, no major upsets. |
Billerica February Swiss, March 4th, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Kelly, Bromley |
2.5 | Paulson, Pearson, Godin, Stewart, Nugent |
2 | Caruso, Somerset, Billmers |
1.5 | Donahue, Taggart, Blaschke, Hamel, Johnson, Vaughan |
1 | Ray, Staten, Babcock, Rangan |
0.5 | Lessard, Cullen, Sheinwald |
♔ 2016 Billerica February Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st-2nd: | Joe Kelly, Tim Bromley |
Top U1600: | Meyer Billmers |
February 28th, 2016
Congratulations to Jim Taggart, who went undefeated & finished clear second with a score of 3.5/4 in the U1800 section at the Queen City Tornado tournament held in Manchester, NH this weekend.
Jim's rating is now 1757, which is just ten points below his all time high.
Jim Taggart -> 1757
February 26th, 2016

2016 Billerica February Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 26th, 2016
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Meyer Billmers | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | Paul Godin |
David Somerset | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Ananth Rangan | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Paul Staten | 0-1 | Rob Stewart |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
James Taggart | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Joe Ray | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Total of 10 boards |
Billerica February Swiss, February 26th, 2016
Points | Players |
2.5 | Kelly, Paulson, Godin |
2 | Bromley, Caruso, Somerset, Nugent, Billmers |
1.5 | Pearson, Stewart, Blaschke, Donahue, Johnson, Taggart |
1 | Ray, A. Rangan, Staten |
0.5 | Cullen, Sheinwald, Lessard |
0 | Babcock |
Last round (4/4) is March 4.
February 19th, 2016

2016 Billerica February Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 19th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | David Somerset |
Ray Paulson | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Paul Staten |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | James Taggart |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Joe Ray |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Ananth Rangan |
Billerica February Swiss, February 19th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley |
1.5 | Kelly, Paulson, Donahue, Nugent, Godin, Blaschke, Billmers, Johnson |
1 | Somerset, Caruso, A. Rangan, Staten |
0.5 | Pearson, Sheinwald, Taggart, Lessard, Cullen, Stewart |
0 | Ray, Babcock |
February 12th, 2016

2016 Billerica February Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica February Swiss, February 12th, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Rob Stewart | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Ananth Rangan | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
David Somerset | 1-0 | Joe Ray |
Paul Staten | 1-0 | Fred Pearson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Jim Donahue |
Meyer Billmers | 1-0 | Nowell Sheinwald |
Paul Godin | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
There will be three more rounds in this tournament: February 19, February 26 and March 4.
REMINDER: In the event that the Billerica Senior Center is closed on a Friday, the Billerica Chess Club WILL NOT meet on that Friday.
The Billerica Senior Center is closed whenever the Billerica schools are closed due to inclement weather.
February 5th, 2016

Billerica Senior Center closed, so the Billerica Chess Club did not meet.
January 29th, 2016
Billerica January Swiss, January 29th, 2016
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 1/2-1/2 | Ray Paulson |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Rob Stewart |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | John Vaughan |
Mike Howell | 0-1 | Silverio Johnson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | George Norman |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | James Taggart |
Ernie Cullen | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Tom Kane | 1-0 | Joseph Costa |
Casey DuLong received a bye.
Billerica January Swiss, January 29th, 2016
Points | Players |
3.5 | Paulson |
3 | Caruso, Pearson |
2.5 | Bromley, Johnson, Godin, Donahue, Stewart |
2 | Vaughan, Babcock, Howell, Taggart |
1.5 | Kane, Blaschke, Rangan, Billmers, Nugent, Norman |
1 | Cullen, DuLong, Lessard, Ray |
0.5 | Farrell, Costa, Bellon |
♔ 2016 Billerica January Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Ray Paulson |
2nd-3rd: | Jeff Caruso & Fred Pearson |
Top U1700: | Jim Donahue |
January 22nd, 2016

2016 Billerica January Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 22nd, 2016
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Tim Bromley |
Ananth Rangan | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Paul Godin | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Jim Donahue | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | George Norman |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Rob Stewart | 1-0 | Ernie Cullen |
James Taggart | 0-1 | Mike Howell |
Joe Ray | 0-1 | Meyer Billmers |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Tom Kane |
Maurice Lessard | 1-0 | Casey DuLong |
Billerica January Swiss, January 22nd, 2016
Points | Players |
3 | Paulson |
2.5 | Pearson, Godin, Donahue |
2 | Bromley, Caruso, Howell, Vaughan, Stewart |
1.5 | Blaschke, A. Rangan, Billmers, Johnson |
1 | Cullen, Babcock, Lessard, Nugent, Taggart, Ray, Norman |
0.5 | Kane, Farrell, Bellon |
0 | DuLong |
January 15th, 2016

2016 Billerica January Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 15th, 2016
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Jahn Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Ananth Rangan | 1/2-1/2 | Rob Stewart |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Ray |
George Norman | 1/2-1/2 | James Taggart |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Tom Kane | 0-1 | Jim Donahue |
Roberton Bellon | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Mike Howell | 1-0 | Casey DuLong |
Ernie Cullen | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Billerica January Swiss, January 15th, 2016
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Paulson |
1.5 | Godin, Donahue, A.Rangan, Pearson, Blaschke |
1 | Vaughan, Caruso, Babcock, Howell, Cullen, Nugent, Stewart, Taggart, Ray, Norman |
0.5 | Johnson, Farrell, Kane |
0 | Lessard, DuLong, Bellon |
January 8th, 2016

2016 Billerica January Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica January Swiss, January 8th, 2016
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Mike Howell |
Silverio Johnson | 1/2-1/2 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Ernest Cullen |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Paul Godin |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Jeff Farrell |
Roberto Bellon | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
James Taggart | 1/2-1/2 | Tom Kane |
Casey DuLong | 0-1 | Ananth Rangan |
December 18th, 2015
Billerica December Swiss, December 18th, 2015
Round 3 of 3 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Jim Donahue |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Joe Ray | 1/2-1/2 | James Taggart |
Vlad Gaciu | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Tom Kane |
Ananth Rangan | 1-0 | Alan Moyer |
Receiving a half-point bye was Ernest Cullen.
Billerica December Swiss, December 18th, 2015
Points | Players |
3 | Vaughan |
2.5 | Kelly, Bromley |
2 | Paulson, Caruso, Donahue |
1.5 | Taggart, Nugent, Pearson, Stewart, A. Rangan, Ray, Johnson, Gaciu, Cullen |
1 | Lessard, Kane |
0.5 | Blaschke, Billmers, Moyer, Furey, K. Rangan, Bellon |
♔ 2015 Billerica December Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | John Vaughan |
2nd: | Joe Kelley & Tim Bromley |
REMINDER: The Billerica Chess Club WILL NOT meet Friday, Christmas day, December 25th, nor Friday, New Year's Day, January 1st.
December 11th, 2015

2015 Billerica December Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 11th, 2015
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
James Taggart | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Ray Paulson | 1-0 | Jeff Caruso |
Tom Kane | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
Art Nugent | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | Rob Stewart |
James Donahue | 1-0 | Meyer Billmers |
Alan Moyer | 0-1 | Joe Ray |
Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica December Swiss, December 11th, 2015
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley, Paulson, Kelly, Vaughan |
1.5 | Pearson, Stewart, Donahue |
1 | Nugent, Caruso, Taggart, Ray, Lessard, Kane |
0.5 | A. Rangan, K. Rangan, Billmers, Johnson, Furey, Blaschke, Moyer, Cullen, Bellon, |
December 4th, 2015

2015 Billerica December Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica December Swiss, December 4th, 2015
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Ananth Rangan |
Joe Ray | 0-1 | Ray Paulson |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Ernest Cullen | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Jack Furey |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Keshav Rangan |
Roberton Bellon | 0-1 | James Taggart |
Not playing round 1 was Tom Kane, who received a full-point BYE.
Tom Kane 0-1 Bruce Blaschke.
November 27th, 2015
Billerica November Swiss, November 27th, 2015
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Arond |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Rob Stewart |
Bruce Blaschke | 1-0 | Jack Furey |
Silverio Johnson | 1-0 | Tom Kane |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Ray Paulsen |
Billerica November Swiss, November 27th, 2015
Points | Players |
3.5 | Pearson |
3 | Bromley |
2.5 | Nugent, Arond, Stewart, Blaschke |
2 | Caruso, Johnson, Moyer |
1.5 | Kelly, Donahue, Godin, Vaughan |
1 | Kane, Furey, Billmers, Lessard |
0.5 | Ray, Babcock, Bellon, Paulsen |
♔ 2015 Billerica November Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Fred Pearson |
2nd: | Tim Bromley |
November 20th, 2015

2015 Billerica November Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 20th, 2015
Round 3 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Rob Stewart | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Art Nugent | 1-0 | Bruce Blaschke |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Silverio Johnson |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Alan Moyer |
Tom Kane | 0-1 | James Donahue |
Paul Godin | 1-0 | Robert Babcock |
Jack Furey | 1/2-1/2 | Roberto Bellon |
Jeff Caruso received a half-point bye for round 3.
Billerica November Swiss, November 20th, 2015
Points | Players |
3 | Bromley |
2.5 | Pearson |
2 | Nugent, Moyer, Arond, Caruso |
1.5 | Blaschke, Kelly, Godin (including one 1/2 point bye), Stewart, Donahue |
1 | Lessard, Kane, Billmers, Johnson, Furey |
0.5 | J. Ray, Babcock, Bellon |
REMINDER: The Billerica Chess Club WILL meet Friday, November 27, the night after Thanksgiving.
Billerica COA Senior Center will be closed for all other activities on November 27.
November 13th, 2015

2015 Billerica November Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 13th, 2015
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Art Nugent |
Jeff Caruso | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | Bruce Blaschke |
Silverio Johnson | 1/2-1/2 | Meyer Billmers |
Alan Moyer | 1-0 | Jack Furey |
Roberto Bellon | 0-1 | Maurice Lessard |
Receiving half-point byes were Fred Pearson, Bob Babcock, Robert Stewart, Joe Ray, James Donahue.
Receiving a full-point bye was Tom Kane.
Billerica November Swiss, November 13th, 2015
Points | Players |
2 | Bromley |
1.5 | Kelly, Caruso, Blaschke, Pearson, Stewart |
1 | Nugent, Arond, Moyer, Lessard, Kane, Billmers, Johnson |
0.5 | Ray, Furey, Donahue, Babcock |
0 | Bellon |
November 6th, 2015

2015 Billerica November Swiss
Round 1 of 4
Billerica November Swiss, November 6th, 2015
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Jim Donahue | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | Joe Ray |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Fred Pearson | 1-0 | Alan Moyer |
Maurice Lessard | 0-1 | Jeff Caruso |
Rob Stewart | 1-0 | Tom Kane |
Roberto Bellon | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
October 30th, 2015
Billerica October Swiss, October 30th, 2015
Round 4 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Paul Arond | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Joe Kelly |
John Vaughan | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Jeffrey Caruso |
Joe Ray | 0-1 | David Xie |
Tom Kane | 0-1 | Bob Babcock |
Billerica October Swiss, October 30th, 2015
FINAL STANDINGS except those who withdrew |
Points | Players |
3.5 | Bromley |
3 | Nugent, Kelly, Vaughan |
2.5 | Caruso, Arond |
2 | Billmers, Xie, Lessard |
1.5 | Stewart |
1 | Pearson, Ray, Babcock, Furey |
0.5 | Kane |
♔ 2015 Billerica October Swiss PRIZE WINNERS ♔ |
1st: | Tim Bromley |
2nd-4th: | Art Nugent, Joe Kelly & John Vaughan |
REMINDER: The November Swiss starts next Friday, November 6th!
October 23rd, 2015

2015 Billerica October Swiss
Round 3 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 23rd, 2015
Round 3 of 5 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Joe Kelly | 1/2-1/2 | Paul Arond |
Jeff Caruso | 0-1 | Tim Bromley |
Rob Stewart | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Jack Furey | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Meyer Billmers | 1-0 | David Xie |
Maurice Lessard | 1-0 | Tom Kane |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Joe Ray |
Billerica October Swiss, October 23rd, 2015
Points | Players |
2.5 | Arond, Bromley, Kelly, Nugent |
2 | Vaughan, Billmers, Lessard |
1.5 | Stewart, Caruso |
1 | Furey, Ray, Xie |
0.5 | Kane |
0 | Babcock |
October 16th, 2015

2015 Billerica October Swiss
Round 2 of 4
Billerica October Swiss, October 16th, 2015
Round 2 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Fred Pearson | 0-1 | Joe Kelly |
John Vaughan | 0-1 | Paul Arond |
Art Nugent | 1/2-1/2 | Jeff Caruso |
Joe Ray | 0-1 | Rob Stewart |
David Xie | 1-0 | Bob Babcock |
Receiving a full-point bye was Maurice Lessard.
Billerica October Swiss, October 16th, 2015
Points | Players |
2.0 | Kelly, Arond |
1.5 | Nugent, Caruso, Stewart |
1.0 | Pearson, Vaughan, Xie, Lessard |
0.5 | ---- |
0.0 | Ray, Babcock |
October 9th, 2015

Billerica October Swiss 2015
Round 1 of 4
October 9th, 2015
Round 1 of 4 Results |
White | Result | Black |
Eric Matthews | 0-1 | Andy Applebaum |
Tim Bromley | 1-0 | Joe Ray |
Bob Babcock | 0-1 | Art Nugent |
Joe Kelly | 1-0 | David Xie |
Silverio Johnson | 0-1 | John Vaughan |
Jeff Caruso | 1-0 | Maurice Lessard |
Tom Kane | 0-1 | Fred Pearson |
Paul Arond | 1-0 | Roberto Bellon |
Billerica Council on Aging, 25 Concord Road, Billerica (Right next to the Billerica Public Library)
The Billerica Chess Club, which has been in existence for many years meets Fridays at 7:30 PM.
The club hosts a USCF rated monthly Swiss with an entry fee of $15 & a time control of G/90.
Arthur Nugent, the club organizer, said the club met at the Honeywell plant from the '70s through the mid-'90s, before moving to the Council on Aging site in the late '90s, & added: "Over the years, we have had many strong players who have attended the club and have gone on to secure FIDE titles and national master titles." These include international masters Dave Vigorito and Danny Kopec; FIDE masters Christopher Chase, Nasser Abbasi, and John Curdo; and national masters Joel Johnson, Allan Bennett, & Marc LaRocca.
Art Nugent is the club contact and can be reached at